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BRIDGE MASSACHUSETTS a:white william|k:it (william) (8)
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CM&BRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). Harvard University. Harvard historical studies. I 25. Robert’Ourthose, Duke of Normandy. By •C.W.David. .j.With a bibliographical note.) pp. xiv. + 271. Fro ispieceand map.. 8°. Cambridge [Mass.) and London, 1920. See DAVID (Charles Wendell),
Card ID: 42
DEPOSITORy S CA1BRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). Harvard University. Harvard monographs in education. Series I. Studies in eduo’ational psychology. and educational measurement. 10. The Derivation of tentative norms for short exposures in reading. By C. S. Payne. [With a bibliography.] pp. (7) + 84. Diagrams and tables. 8°. Carnbridge [Mass.), 1930.
Card ID: 57
EPOSflQRy CA1cBRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTs). Harvard University. The Harvard—Newton bulletins. (Harvard bulletins in education.) 16. Curriculum problems in industrial education. By Fred C. Smith. [With a bibliography.] pp. ix. + 145. Diagrams and tables. 8°.Cambridpre_[Mass.], 1930.
Card ID: 75
CS CMtBRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). Harvard Univers Harvard Studies in Comparative Literature. 8. MILLICAN (Charles Bowie). Spenser and the Table Round: a study in the contemporaneous background for Spenser’s use of the Arthurian legend. pp. ix. + 257. Facsimiles and genealogical tables. - 8°. Cambridg [Mss.], 1932. MILLICAN (Charles B.)
Card ID: 98
,-1-I ‘% I1-4 CA1BRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). Harvard University. Harvard Studies in Romance Languages. 16. 1EATING (Louis Clark). Studies in the literary salon in France, 1550—1615. pp. (10) + 172. Bib1iorap 8°. Cambridge, Mass., 1941. See: REATING (Louis Clark).
Card ID: 140
iN -a+a CAiBRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). Harvard UnIversity. The Harvard theological review, etc. See infra Harvard University. Faculty of Divinity.
Card ID: 145
CAkiBRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). Harvard University. Deoartment of Germanic Languages and Literatures. Harvard Germanic studies. See CAMBRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). arard University. Harvard Germanic studies.
Card ID: 199
CA11BRIDGE (MASSACHUSETTS). Mediaevaj. Acadeajy of America. Publicaciorifs]. [Cortiriued.J ).tQ.. 30. . [Hitoria Karoli Hagni eb RothoThndi.2 The Peudo—Turpin. (Historia7 Karoli 1agni et flotholandi.) Edited from 3ibliothque Nationale, Forids Latin, ItS. 176%, with an annotated synopsis, by H.M. Srnyser. 1937. r.,rocLt— cr’— 31. WHITE (Lynn Townsend). Latin monasticism in Norman Sicily. 1938. 32. VThCNTIUS, &llovacen6is. Dc eruditiorie filiorum nobilium. Edited by A. Steiner. 1938. 33. LtTNT (William Edward). Financial relations of the Papacy with En& 1327. 1939. [SEfl !EXT CARD.)
Card ID: 322