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BREWSTER Sir David a:s david|k:it (david) (4)
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Author: BREWSTER (Sir David)
1-1 trt (r J BREWSTER (Sir David). [Letters on Natural Magic.— French. j Nouveau manuel de magie naturelle et amusante... Publi4 par...A.D.Vergnaud, etc. (Manuels— Roret.) pp. 286. 6°. Paris, 1839.
Card ID: 281
/ / BREWSTER (Sir David). The Martyr-s of science; or, te Lives of Ga1i1eo Tycho Brahe and Kepler. pp. xiv. -F (2) + 267. 12g. LQfldQfl, 1841.
Card ID: 285
l3Lf BREWSTER (Sir David). Memoirs of the life, writings and discoveries of Sir Isaac Newton. 2 vole. portraits, illustrations and diagrams. [DeM.j 8°. Edinburh and London, 1855. Pourteen pages from the Prooeeinps of tne Mschester Literary and Philosothical Society, 1866 & 7, givirig the substance of Dr, Crompton’s papeis on Newton’s portraits h&ve been insarted beIore the half-titJ.e o.f vol. 1; a leaf containing a brief biogray of Si1’ DadBrewstr o11ows the title pae, and an artiele from the lincoln, Rutland & $amfordJercury. St. 24,. 185e,_on thc.. cerpmpy of unyej1jn. Newton’s statue in Grantham, [SEE ]XT CARD.]
Card ID: 286
BREWSTER (Sir David). Memoirs of the life, writings and discoveries of Sir Tsäac Newton. [Continued.) — BlOT (3. B.) Articles de J. B. Biot [on the above work]. Extraits du Journal des Savants, [Paris printed, 1855].
Card ID: 288