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BREWSTER John a:as john|k:to (john) (2)
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Author: BREWSTER (John)
Mv%rcC BREWSTER (John), Rector of The Parochial history and antiquities of Stockton—upon—Tees, including an account Of the trade of the toirn, the navigation of the ri’er, and of such parts in the neighbourhood as have been coL.nected with that place. Socond edition, with additions and alterations. 2 parts in I vol. Portrait, illustrations and t ables. 80. Stockton—upon—Tees, 1829.
Card ID: 301
Author: SHAKESPEARE (William)
‘(14 q’3 SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.] The Folio Press Sh’kespeare. [Continued.] S1ip—caie 3. Th Life and death of King John...Introduction by Stuart Burge. Designs by Robin Archer. 1973. King Henry IV, part one. Introduction by Roger Planchon. Designs by Rene Allio. (Se,copd. ijnpression.) 1965 [1975]. King Henry IV, part two. Introduction by Brewster Mason. Designs by Eliabth Haffenden and Joan Bridge. 1975. King Henry V. Introduction by Michael Croft. Designs by Graham Barlow. 1976. Much do about nothing. Introduction by Denise Coffey. Designs by Tim Goodchi].d. 1976. The Merry wives of Windsor. Introduction by Terry Hands. Desirris by Timothy OtBrien. 1974. [ss NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 177