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BREWER, John Sherren
Author: BREWER (John Sherren)
Ll BREWER (John Sherren), Historian. An Elementary atlas of history and geography, from the commencement of the Christian era to the preseni time; containing a series of maps arranged in chronological order, with illustrative memoirs... The maps compiled and engraved by E.Weller. pp. x. + (2) + 96. 8°. London, [1855?]
Card ID: 246
BREWER (John Sherren), Historian. The Endowments and establishment of the Church of England...Second ition revised. Edited by L.T.Dibdin. pp. xi. + 308. 8°. London, 1885.
Card ID: 247
• VL\i BREWER (John Sherren), Historian. The Reignof Henry VITI. from his accession to the death of Wolsey. Reviewed and ‘illustrated from original documents... Edited by J.Girdner. With portrait. 2 vols. 8°. ondon, 1884.
Card ID: 249
63 MU5 Pro Reference oniy BREWER (John Sherren), Itistoria. Departments of State and Official Bodies. Public Record Office. Rerum Britam1carurn ldedii vi Soriptores, eta. 15. Fr. Rogeri Bacon opera quaedar... Edited by J. S. Brewer. London, 1859.
Card ID: 254
BREWER (John Sherren)., Historian. See 000DIA.&N (G.), BishqpofGlouoeeter. The Court of Zing James the which are added letters iilustrcLtive of the personal history of the most distinguished characters in thecourt of that nonarch aria, his predecessors Now first published from the original manusoripts by J.S.Brewer. London, 1839.
Card ID: 258