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BRAGG Sir William Lawrence lawrence (william) (2)
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BRAGG, Sir William Lawrence
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Author: BRAGG (Sir William Lawrence)
BRAGG (Sir William Lawrence), Atomic structure of minerals. (The George Fisher Baker non—resident Lectureship in Chemistry at Co’nell University4 pp. xiii. + 292 + (2). Portrait, dIagrams.nd tables. 8 Ithaca, N.Y., and London, 1937.
Card ID: 168
Author: No Author available
CflL97 BP.AGG (Sir William Lawrence) , LONDON. till. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.) Intitute of Physics. The Education and training of physicists. (fleport of a committee. Chairman: Sir W. L. Bragg.] [Lond.c,n, 1943).
Card ID: 173