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BRADY, Nicholas
Author: BRADY (Nicholas)
p1J BRADY (Nicholas), the A Sermon [on John x.16) preach’d at flichmond in Surry, on Thursday the first of May, 1707, being the day’ ppointed....for a general thanksgiving, for the happy union of the two kingdoms of England and Scotland. pp. 13. 8°. Londoji, 1707. ‘ound in a volume letjered: ermons. Vol. 2.
Card ID: 85
BRADY (Nicholas), the EIdr. [For editions of the metrical version of the Psalms by N.Tate and N.Brady:J See BIBLE. Psalms. [ng1jh. - Me.trcal Versions. Tate an Bdy.J
Card ID: 86
£ortue Library 91 BRADY (Nicholas), tho Elder. See LITURGIES. Church of En1and. [Common Prayer. — Adaptations.] Abridgement of the Book of Common Prayer and administration of the Sacrament s.. .Together with the Psalter, (Extracts from the new version of the Psalms of David...By N.Brady.. .and N.Tate.) [By F.Dashwood, Baron Le Despenser and B.Franklin.] Ion4Qn, 1773.
Card ID: 87