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BRADY Alexander a:in alexander|k:0046 (2)
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BRADY, Alexander
Author: BRADY (Alexander)
DEPOSITORY BRADY (Alexander). Canada. [With a bibliography.J (The Modern World: a survey of historical orces. Edited by RTHon.H. A. L. 1’isher.) vi. 1 (2) - 374. Maps. 8°. London 1932.
Card ID: 68
BRADY (Alexander). Democracy in the Dominions: a comparative study in institutions...Issued under the auspices of the Canadian Institute of International Affairs and the Rora1 Insti— tute of Internitiona1 Affairs. Iwith a bibliography.] pp. vii. + (2) ÷ 47’5. 8. Toro and London, 1947. Second ..ed4iticrn. pp. viii. + 6o4. 8°... TQronto, 1952.’’-
Card ID: 69