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BOYLE, Charles
Author: BOYLE (Charles)
- - BOYLE (Charles), Earl of Orrery. Dr..Bentley’s Dissertations on the Epistles of Phalaris and the Fables of Aesop examid. by the Hon. C. Boyle. [With the assistance of F. Atterbury, C. Smairidge, P. Freind, 3. Freind and A. Alsop.] pp. (8) + 290. 8°. LondQfl, 1698. - —Fourth edition, !• pp. (10) +266. [L.I.] 8°. London, 1745.
Card ID: 281
BOYLE (Charles), Earl of Orrer. Dr. Bentley’s dissertations on the epistles of Phalaris, (Continued.) —See BENTLEY (R.), D.D. Master of Triniti Co11ee, Cambridge. A Dissertation upon the epistles of Phalaris, with an answer to the objections of the Hon.. C. Boyle, etc. — Lon4n, 1777. —[Another edition4] London, i8i6.
Card ID: 282
XFN P51 For reference only 695 BOYLE (Charles), Earl of Orrery. See PRALARtS. 7o4Aocp$cç. . .‘ErrL ro)oj. . Phalaridis. . .Epistolae. Lx 1433. recensuit, versione,annotationibus & vita insuper authoris donavit C.Boyle. [Creek and Latin.] 80. orord, [1695]. “F —(Another edition.) (Greek and latin.) ‘PCi, 8°. Oxford, 1718. (1 j’t r (ct4-eti O’ ..4j
Card ID: 287
I BOYLE (Charles), & PHiJMIS. - +c*XapLöoc ‘Eiucto)at, Pha.Uaridis Epistolae çuas J.,atinas fecit, et, interositis C.Boy.e notis, commentario illustravit J.D. a Lennep, etc. Croningen, 1777.
Card ID: 288