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BOYDELL John be (john) (6)
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VALPY, Abraham John
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Author: BOYDELL (John)
BOYDELL (John), A Catalogue of the pictures, &c. in the Shakepeare Gallery, Pall—Mall. Ey J.Boydeli.) i8io (79OJ. LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, Shakespeare GallerY1.., in PaU jdl1.
Card ID: 201
Author: VALPY (Abraham John)
1H C, j2-C Qc VALPY (Abraham John). See SHAKESPEA!E (William). {Works.j The Plays and poems of Shakspeare,: with.a. life, glossarial notes, and ...illustrations from the plQtes in Boydell’s edition. Edited by A.J.Valpy. London, 1832—34.,
Card ID: 437
Author: No Author available
- \#‘/ ç. %O%.. BOYDELL (Joirn), Lord Mav,r çf Lpndçn, The Boydell Gallery: a collection of engraviigs Cfrom pictures collected by John Boydeil] illustrating the dranwtic works of Shakespeare, by the artists of Great britain. London, 1874. LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, .J-&.1 gkeeare Gallerv,in Pail MaIL.
Card ID: 200
LONDON. Shakepe& in Pall ?ialj The Boydell Gallery: a collection of engravings [from pictures collected by John Boydeil] illustrating the dramatic veorls of Shakespeare by the artist$ of Great Britain. [With a preface by Josiah Boydell, dated 18O5, and with portions of the textJ pp. 11 + (197) + 97 plates. fol. 1874.
Card ID: 279
Thy Sha Fri. BOYDELL (John), Lard Mayor of I4ndai. See P?IEDMAN (Winifred H.) Bo.ydefl’s Shakespeare ,aUery. [Thesis: Harvard University.] New York and Lmdon, 1976.
Card ID: 202
ç3 ,lcCYfl. BOYDLL (John), Lord Maror of London. § LOKDON. LZIi.J Shakesveare Gllerv, in Pall Mall... Boydell’s Graphic illustrations of the dramatic. works of Shakspeare; con— sistine of a series of prints... engraved from. pictures...lately exhibited at the Shakespeare Gallery. London, £1802?)
Card ID: 203