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BOYD Sir William a:as william|k:it (william) (6)
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BOYD, Sir William
DAWINS, Sir William Bord
No Author available
Author: BOYD (Sir William)
BOYD (Sir William). A Patriot’s second letter to the British people on the present state of the oountry...A Gulielmo [i.e. Sir W. Boyd]. London, 838. SeeB G.)
Card ID: 186
Author: DAWINS (Sir William Bo1rd)
DAWINS (Sir William Bo1rd). The British 1a:e—village near Glastonbury; letters and r,a’,ers ...V1. Boyd Dawicins ,etc. Ta’unton, 19O1.. See GLASTO1’iBUY. 01 s tonbury ntiQuari an_3ocQty. Pub1ications.
Card ID: 374
Author: No Author available
PATRIOT. A Patriot’s scond letter to the British people on the present state of the oountry...A Gulielmo B4[i.e. Sir William Boyd]. London, 1838. see B4 (G.)
Card ID: 512
LPIS, B** (Gulielmo). A Patriot’s second letter to the British people on the present state of the country, &c. &c. With a letter to the operatives, and another to the Queen. A Gulielino [i.e. Sir William Boyd]. pp. 23. [G. G.] 8°. London, 1838o yrj the author.’ a. signature on the, half—title, presentng the pamphlet to George Groteb
Card ID: 406
• : B**, Gulielmus [i.e. Sir William BOYD]. A Patriot’s third letter to the British people, on the state of the country, &c., with a second letter to the operatives, and a second letter to the Queen, correspondence of the court, &c...Third edition. pp. 32. 8°. London, 1838.
Card ID: 407
C.L’P.LJ ?. 43... Fr 4si. DAWKINS (Sir William Boyd). Cave—hunting...The Somerset caves. (lliacmillan’e i(agazine. Vol. XXII. No. 132. October 1870.) Part 1. LQJ1.L.J 0 8 . [Cambridge, 1870.] Catalogued from the eapt ion. Imperfect; wanting part , on the Denbighehire caves, from Vol. XXIIINo. 133. Nov. 1670. -
Card ID: 376