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BOYD Louise Arner a:c louise|k:c(c) (2)
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BOYD, Louise Arner
Author: BOYD (Louise Arner)
• DV’aag Boy BOYD (Louise Arner). The Coast of Northeast Greenland, with hydrographic studies in the Greenland Sea. The Louise A.i3oyd Arctic fxpedition of 1937 and 1938. By L.A.Boyd, with contributions by R.F.Flint [and others), Amorican Geographical Society. §ecia1 Publications, 30.] j.339. Plates, illus. and maps. New York, 1948. Some of the plates and maps are in a separate portfolio.
Card ID: 162
Boy BOYD (Louise Arner). The Fiord region of Ea8t Greenland. By L.A.Boyd, with contributions by J • H. Bretz, O.l4.Miller, 11.LWood ,W. . Drew, C. B.Hitcicock and J.K.Wright.(American Geographical Society, Special Publications, 18.)pp.x,369. Plates, illustrations, facsimile maps and tables. 80. New York, 1935. Some of the plates and maps are in a seperate portfolio.
Card ID: 163