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BOYD Ernest Augustus a:e or|k:on (e) (3)
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BOYD, Ernest Augustus
Author: BOYD (Ernest Augustus)
YSKT Boy BOYD (Ernest Augustus). Appreciations and deprecations: Irish literary studies. (The Talbot press Books.) pp. (10) + 162. 8°. DublIn and London, 1917.
Card ID: 132
BOYD (Ernest Augustus). See BALZAC (Uonor4 do). [Contes drolatiques.— English. j Droll stories...Edited by E. Boyd, Gaen City. N.Y., 191+6.
Card ID: 135
v_rL BOYD (Ernest Augustus). - - §j FRMCE (Anatole), peud. [i.e.Jacques Anatole THIBAUD.] Rabelais. [Lectures]. . .Translated [with an introduction] by E.Boyd, 2• ondon, 1929.
Card ID: 136