
Search Term (count):

BOXER Charles Ralph a:c charles|k:c(’c) (7)



  • card

    Author: BOXER (Charles Ralph)


    BOXER (Charles Ralph). Antonio Coelbo Cuerreiro e as relaçoës entre iacau e Timor no comço do século XVIII. pp• 49. Plate, faesimiles and folded ma;. 40• Macao, 1940. -

    Card ID: 38

  • card

    Author: BOXER (Charles Ralph)


    () )‘( BOXER (Charles Ralph). Fort Jesus and the Portuguese in Mombasa, 1593—1729. [By] C.R. Boxer and C. de Azevedo. [With a bib1igraphy.) pp. 144. Plates, maps and plans. 8° London, 1960.

    Card ID: 39

  • card

    Author: BOXER (Charles Ralph)


    B BOXER (Charles Ralph). The Great ship irom Amacon: annals of Macao and the old Japan trade, 1555—1640. Lwith a bibliography.] pp. xi. t- 361. Plates, facsimile maps and tables. 8, Lisbon, 1959.

    Card ID: 40

  • card

    Author: BOXER (Charles Ralph)


    QWE Box BOXER (Charles Ralph). Mary and misoiny: women in tberian expansion overseas, 1Zi15l915. Some facts, fancies and personalities. pp.llI2. Plate. London, 1975.

    Card ID: 41

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    Author: BOXER (Charles Ralph)


    iS’ss ftr’ BOXER (Charles Ralph). A Propdsito dum livrinho zilogrfico dos Jesuitas de Pequim, século XVIII: ensayo hist6rico. [With a bibliography.] pp. 20. fsimiles. 8°. Macao, 1947.

    Card ID: 42

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    Author: BOXER (Charles Ralph)


    L34 Gom BOXER (Charles Ralph). The Tragic history of the sea, 1589—1622..Sdited(ànd translated] from the original Portuguese by C. R. Boxer. 8. Cambridge, 1959. ____ Further selections from The Tragic history of the sea, 1559-1%...Translated and N. 3oxer. 0 8 . Cambridge, 1% See QOMES DE BRflO (Bernardo). tilist6ria Tr&gico—Narltima. — EngliSh.]

    Card ID: 44

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    Author: BOXER (Charles Ralph)


    BOXER (Charles Ralph)1 CARON (F.) A True description of the mighty kingdoms of Japan & Siam... Reprinted...with introduction, notes and appendixes by C.R.Boxer. London, 1935.

    Card ID: 46