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BOUVIER Jean bouvier (jean) (3)
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BOUVIER, Jean Baptiste
BOUVIER, Jean_claude and MARTEL, Claude
Author: BOUVIER (Jean)
BOUVIER (Jean). tudes sur le krach de lUnion générãle 87S—1885>, etc. [Complementary thesis: flniversity oTTais. With a bibliography.) pp. 308. Diagrams and tables. 8°. Paris, 1960.
Card ID: 571
Author: BOUVIER (Jean Baptiste)
BOUVIER (Jean Baptiste), Bishop of Le ?(ans. Institutiones philosophicae ad usum seminariorum et collegiorum. . .Logiea. Tertia editio. pp. viii. + 300. IDe M.J 12? Le ians ,183o. Imperfect; wanting vols. 2 and.
Card ID: 572
Author: BOUVIER (Jean_claude) and MARTEL (Claude)
Linguistic Atlases XSVx13 Bou Reference only BOUVIER (Jean_claude) and MARTEL (Claude). Atlas linguistique et ethncgraphiq.ue de J.a Provence... Preface cia Charles Rostaing. (Atlas Linguistiques de la France par Rgions.) Vol. 1, etc. fol. Paris, 1975, etc. In progress.
Card ID: 573