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BOURINOT Sir John George it (john) (5)
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BOURINOT, Sir John George
ROY, Camille
THOMAS, Clara Mecandless
No Author available
MARQUIS, Thcmas Guthrie
Author: BOURINOT (Sir John George)
YS’P2 Bou BOURINOT (Sir John George). Our intellectual strength and weakness [by] John George Bourinot. [1893.] &igli sb-Csns4ian literature [by) Thomas Guthrie Marquis. [1913.] Preneh-Canadiari literature [by] Camille Roy. [1913.] Introduction by Clara Thomas. (Literature of Canada: Poetry and Prose in Reprint.) 3 parts in 1 volume. Toronto and Buffalo, 1973.
Card ID: 267
Author: ROY (Camille)
YSP2 Bou ROY (Camille). French-Canadian literature. [Originally pub].i shed. in 1913 as a chapter in “Canada and its provinces” edited by Adam Sbortt and A.B. Doughty. J See BOURINOT (Sir John George). Our intellectual strength and weakness [by) John George Bourinot. [1693.1 English-Canadian literature [by) Thomas Gutbrie Marquis. [1913.] French-Canadian literature (by) Carniile Roy. [1913.1 Introduction by Clara Thc4nas. Toronto and Buffalo, 1973.
Card ID: 14
Author: THOMAS (Clara Mecandless)
YSP2 Bou THOMAS (Clara Mecandless). See BOURIZIOT (Sir John George). Our intellectual strength and weakness [by] John George Bourinot. [1893.) &glish-Canadian literature [by] Thomas Guthrie Marquis. [1913.] French-Canadian literature [by] Camille Roy. [1913.) Introduction by Clara Thomas. Toronto and Buffalo, 1973.
Card ID: 374
Author: No Author available
LP-J i. BOURINOT (Sir John George). The Canadian Dominion and proposed Australian Commonwealth: a study in comparative politics. (From the Transactions of the Royal Society f Canada. Second series, 1895-96. Vol. 1, Section 2., etc. p. 43. 8°. Ottawa, 189.
Card ID: 265
Author: MARQUIS (Thcmas Guthrie)
YSP2 Bou MARQUIS (Thcmas Guthrie). &igli sh-canadian literature. [Originally pi11 shed in 1913 as a chapter in “Canada and its provincesh edited by Adam Shortt and A.B. Doughty.] See DOUIWTOT (Sir John George). Our intellectual strength and weakness [by] John George Bourinot. [1893.3 English-Canadian literature [by] Thomas Guthrie Marquis. [1913.) French-Canadian literature [by) Camille Roy. [1913.] Introduction by Clara Thomas. Toronto and uffa1o, 1973.
Card ID: 262