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BOUQUET, Alan Coates
Author: BOUQUET (Alan Coates)
p r BOUQUET (Alan Coates). Comparative religion: a short outline. (Fourth revised edition.) [with a bibliography.) (pelican Books, A 89.) pp. 319. ips and tab1e 8°. London, 1954.
Card ID: 475
BOUQUET (Alan Coates). A Lectionary of Christian prose from the 2nd to the 20th century, for public and private use. Conipiled by A.C.Bouquet. pp.. xxvi. + 390. 8°. Londcm, 1940.
Card ID: 478
p191 BOUQUET (Alan Coates). Modern handbooks on religion. [With bibliographies.] Vols. 2—7. fates. [S.M.L.] 8°. Cambridge, 1932[—34]. Imperfect; wanting Vol. 1. 2. Religious experience: its nature, types, .and validity. ‘3. Phases of the Christian Church: a short view of its hi5tory. 4. The World we live in and the origin, status and prospects of the human race: a modern equivalent nf’ th Rnok of Genesis. - [SEE itEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 479
BOUQUET (Alan Coates). Modern handbooks on religion4 [Continued.] 5. Man and deity: an outline of the origin and development of religion, with extracts from sacred books. ‘6. Jesus: a new outline and estimate. 7. The Doctrlne of God: final studies in the divine nature and attributes, with chapters on the philosophy of worship.
Card ID: 480
BOUQUET (Alan Coates). Sacred books of the world: a companion source—book to Comparative -religion. [Editedj by A.C.Bouquet. (Pelican Books, A283.) pp. 343. 8°. London, 1954. PF
Card ID: 481