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BOTH Charles in (charles) (28)



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    Author: BOTH (Charles)


    PR — BOTH (Charles), Bishop of Hereford. Rogistrum Caroli Bothe. . .Rdited by A. P. Bannister. London, 1921. See LONDON. [111. Lisce11aneous Inetitu.tiona, — SocietIes, etc.] Canterbury ani York Society. tb1ications. 1o. 28.J — [Another edition.] ? — Cp Hereford, 1921. See HERJFORD. Cantilupe Society.

    Card ID: 397

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    Author: VELLAY (Charles)


    Li VELLAY (Charles). Les Légendes du cycle troyen. [With bibliographical notes.) 2 vol. Portrait, Illustrations cnd maps. 0 8 . naco [i957) The pagination is continuous thro’ughout both volumes. --

    Card ID: 321

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    Author: HARDUIGE (Charles)


    HARDUIGE (Charles), Baron HadinEe of Penshurst. se ENGL.ND. -Departments of State and .Official Bodies. oya1 Cormission on the Rebellion in Ii eland. RoTsl Commission on the Rebellion in Ireland LChairmani Lord Hardinge of Penshurstj. Report of Commission. 1Linutes of evidence and appendix of documents). Presented to both Houses of arliament, London, 1916.

    Card ID: 430

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    Author: ABBAGE (Charles)


    O ABBAGE (Charles). An Essay on the general principles which regulate the applrcation of machinery to manufactures and the mechanical arts... From the Encyclopiedia MetropoJdtana, [Vol. VIIIj pp. (2) + 84 [or rather, 86). Tables. [De M.] 4. London printed, 1827. The page number33 &34 are repeated. Pages 1—34 are reprinted froru ppA2_Qf the but the type has been eset; - pp.3-4 for rather, 55-861_are reprinted- froirthe type of the Enyc1o— pedia.•• The volume number in the ignatur incorrect1y. as VII. in both the Eicyclopaedia and the reprint.

    Card ID: 47

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    Author: GOODALL (Charles)


    1’ LG 3cr7 GOODALL (Charles). The Royal College of Physicians of London... founded and established by law...and an historical account of the College’s proceedings against empiricks and unlicensed practisers, . pp. (62).. [De M.1 4°. Londofl, 1684. Cpnsisting_pf the dedicato letters to both parts. (SiRs. A and Pp—Xx). Bound in a volume lettered: Miscellaneous tracts.

    Card ID: 47

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    Author: OKERS (Charles)


    DEPOSITORY VtOKERS (Charles). Ivietals and their c1loys A modern practical v,ork dealir with metals from theIr oriin to their useful application — both individually a as parts of alloys — used where strength, ductility, toughness, liihtne ss, color, hardne ss, cheapness, conductivity, or bearing properties are d aded...Partly based on the third ed:Ltion of °Metallio aliorsI’, by W. T. Brannt. Illustrated by...engravings. pp. xix. ÷ 767. 8. New YorJ, 1923.

    Card ID: 369

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    Author: DICKENS (Charles John Huffam)


    STERLING L1RAflY _ SJ REiEI1 GiLT DICKENS (Charles John Huffam). [Oliver Twi8t.J Oliver Twist, etc. [Continued.] [Another copy.) Both the cancelled and the substituted t>].ate are present in vol.3. This copy belonRed to R.H.Shepherd, the bibliographer. It has been interleaved with writing paper on which Shepherd has recor.ed all the variant readings and arrangements of the text found in the editions Wblished in Betley’j 1isce1laixy in 1837—39 and the_one t volume edition of 186. At the beinnin of,’ [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 162

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    Author: S (Elizabeth)


    YN c2 RALi!S (Elizabeth). On both sides of the sea: a story of the nmionwealth and the Restoration. A seq.uel to ‘The Draytons and the Ivennts . By the author Of ‘chronicles of the Schonberg-0,tta family’, &c. &c. (i.e. Elizabeth Charles). London, i868. SIDES.

    Card ID: 191

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    Author: GOSSE (Philip Renry)


    f ON’! Hiid GOSSE (Philip Renry). See HUDSON (Charles Thomas). The Rotifera; or wheel—antmalcules, both British and. foreign. By C.T.Hudson, assisted by P.H. Gosse...With supplement, etc. 80. London and New York, 1889 C1886-.89].

    Card ID: 242

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    Author: No Author available


    1 >r.•.•• •‘•-. 1-iUTON (Charles), LL.L. A Treatise on mensuration both in theory and practice. pp. xxvi. + 46 + (2). Diagrams and tables. [De M.j 0 4. Newcastle upon Tyne, t770.

    Card ID: 285

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    Author: SANROPE (! My1e)


    SANROPE (! My1e). A Biatory of the several oppositions which have been made in England from the restoration of Zing Charles the second both against the court and the ministerial influence, etc. pp. (4) + xi. + 224. 12°. London, 1754.

    Card ID: 150

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    Author: No Author available


    bI(. 4p • j )-i*.’j 3J%1? ENGLAND. I1isce11aneous Public Documents, etc. III. Chronological Series. - Charles I. His Majesties answer to the XIX. propositions of both Houses of Parliament. [June, 1642.] pp. 30. $ 4, Print.eclby Robert Erkar, and by the assigne of John Rill: Londo, 1642.

    Card ID: 283