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BOSSETTI William Michael a:an michael|k:a (michael) (4)



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    Author: BOSSETTI (William Michael)


    BOSSETTI (William Michael). Bibliography of the works of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. pp. 5. 8. Lofldon, 1905. 0n of 250 copies Drinted.

    Card ID: 643

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    Author: FCSETTI (William Michael)


    YN R71F 963 FCSETTI (William Michael). [Letters .3 S!e BOSSETTI, Familv. [Letters.] The Rossetti-Macuiillan letters: some 133 unpublished letters written to Alexander Macmillan, F .5 .Ellis and others, by Dante Gabriel, Chri3tina and William Michael Possetti,1861-1889, Edited, with an introduction and notes, by L.M.Packer. 8 4 Berkeley3, 1963,

    Card ID: 642

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    Author: No Author available


    yl R77F 963 pcic (Lona Mosk). Se BOSSETTI. Family of. CLettersj The Rossetti-Macmille.n letters: some 133 unpublished letters written to Alexander Macmillan, F.S.Ellis and others, by Dante Gabriel, Christina and William Michael 1ossetti.l86l-l889 Edited. with an introduction and notes, by LM..Packer. 8” jBerkeleyj, 1963.

    Card ID: 261

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    Author: No Author available


    YN8 Ros Rosmrn (William Michael). Prraphaelite diaries and letters. Edited by William Michael Bossetti. I. Some early correspondance of Dante Gabriel Rossetti, 183-5i. II. Madox Brown’s diary etc. i8i4-56. III. The P R B journal kept by W.tI. Rossetti, 18i9-53. Illustrated. pp. 328. Port. London, 19(K) [reprinted Farnborough J{arts •, 1971].

    Card ID: 651