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BOSCO Joannes de a:scott sir michael|k:a (michael) (9)



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    Author: BOSCO (Joannes de)


    Li SACRO BOSCO (Joannes de). Algorismus Domini Joarinis de Sacro Busco nouiter impressum. pp. (16). Diagram. [De M.] 40• Impressum...per M. Sessam & P. de Rauanis Socios: Venice,1523 COLLATION: A-B4. Without pagination. With ms. notes. Bound with Regiomontanus: Algorithmus demonstratus, 1554.

    Card ID: 155

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    Author: BOSCO (Joannes de)


    SACRO BOSCO (Joannes de). Annotatiorii sopra la lettlone della Spera, etc. [ContinueT COLLATION: A-Z4 Aa-Cc4 Dd6 p. 15, 91 124, 153 and are incorrectly numbered 4, 61, 24, and respectively. Imperrect; the upper rIght—hand coiner of_ç_tit1e pge has been torn off, part of the title beingaissin

    Card ID: 157

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    Author: BOSCO (Joannes de)


    rv\ c SACRO BOSCO (Joannes de). Io&nnis de Sacrobvsco Libellvs de anni ratione; seu, ut vocatur vu1g, Computus eceleslasticus. pp. (62) .Diagrams. (Dc M.] 0 8 . Apud hredes A. Birckmanni: - Antwerp, 1566. Collation:- A—D° (last leaf blank. Cropped; part of the runnin—titie is cut away on some ages.

    Card ID: 159

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    Author: BOSCO (Joannes de)


    LV• ‘ (3 SACRO BOSCO (Joannes de). Opusculum Johannis de sacro busto sphericum aiim notabili cniento at figuris textum declaratibus utilissimis. [fol. 39 verso:j Opusculuna iagistri Joannis de Sacro busto sphericum per venerabilem virum Tagistrum yienceslawn fabri de Gudvreyss Medicine Doctorex bene correctum et desuper c’5mentatum finit foeliciter. if. (39)..T. [De ii.] 40, [Per horstvinum Henricum Quentell: Coo, 15001. Wanting the last blank leaf. Rain *141 24.

    Card ID: 160

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    Author: BOSCO (Joannes de)


    Io i’’kilck ertbcc “i• SACRO BOSCO (Joannes de). Figura Sphere: c glosis Georgii de Möteferrato Artit 1 medicle Doctoris, ff. 26. Woodcut diagrams. [De.M.] 4. C’-acobus Pentius, de Leuco: Venice, 1501]. The co1oion gives the date as 28 January 1500, but this is almost certainly more Veneto’,, thus ntaIcin the date 28 January, 1501. Damaged and reDaired. BNC.V.566.Majn. 14126. Proctor. 5705.

    Card ID: 166

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    Author: BOSCO (Joannes de)


    SACT{O BOSCO (Joannes de). Textvs spha?r loannis de Sacro Bvsto. Expositlo sphar...F. Capuani... Annotaties nnu11.,.B. Vespucii... I. frabri [aid stapulensis Cornnientarii in eanclem sphrä...P. de aiiaco..r eandem qustiones, See VESPUCCIUS (3.) Nota eoruni qu in hoc libro continentur, etc. Venice, 1508.

    Card ID: 167

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    Author: BOSCO (Joannes de)


    ri Cu — L-\ SACRO BOSCO (Joannes de). Ldia1js Sphere opusculU Jonis de sacro busco: nuper vigilantissime emendatum (. Magistrum Orontium FIne) vna curn figuris acc5modatissiniis: cumc rnarginariis anriotaciunljs recenter adiectis, etc. pp. (32). [De M.J 40 Apud R. Chaudiere: Paris, 119. Coil atio a—d’ With copious ms. notes in Latin in the margins, and 15 po. of notes at the end, all in red anu black ink, in a contemporary hand.

    Card ID: 168

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    Author: BOSCO (Joannes de)


    l-_, C1 SACRO BOSCO (Joannes de). The “Sphere” of Sacrobosco and its commentators. [The text with a translation of the original, together with the text and English translation of the commentary by Robertus Anglicus and the Latin texts of the commentaries by Sir Michael Scott and Francesco ciegli. Stabili.] By L. Thorndike. pp. x. ÷ 496. 8°. [ia, 1949).

    Card ID: 172

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    Author: BOSCO (Joannes de)


    SACRO BOSCO (Joannes de). Sphra mundi, etc. . CLAVIUS (C.) C, CJ.avii in Sphram I. de Sacro Bosco cominentarivs, etc. Lyons, 1618.

    Card ID: 173