
Search Term (count):

BOOTH William Stone a:in william|k:it (william) (3)



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    Author: BOOTH (William Stone)


    L - -• BOOTH (William Stone). The Droeshout portrait of William Shakespeare: an experiment in identification, with... illustrations. [An attempt to show, by, comparison with contemporary portraits of Bacon, that the Droeshout portrait represents Bacon.] pp. (4)t7 + (29). fol.. Boston, iMass.J,1911. Another copy.] p tcON cO7T cco

    Card ID: 533

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    Author: BOOTH (William :stone)


    : i BOoN 6OG1ETY RaRfO Ot4 BOOTH (William :stone).. Some acrostic• .signtures of FanciBaQn. Together with sothe others all of Which are now for the first titne deciphered-arid publ’ished. pp. xii. + (2) + 631. Fosirniles. fol • Bo stânj Mass. I and c) ,p —— [Another edition.] pp. xii. ÷ (2) + 631.:t Facsimiles. fo].. London [Cambridge, iass. printedJ, 1909.

    Card ID: 535

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    Author: No Author available


    (Z 5 I ACON SOGD4 ‘ ( eaieio Q.i BOOTH (William Stone). The Hidden sighatures of Francesco Colorina and Francis Bacon: a comparison of their methods. With the evidence of Marston and Hall that Bacon was the author of Venus and Adonis. pp. vii. + (3) + 70. Facsimiles and folded diagrarn. fol. Bston [Mass.], 1910.

    Card ID: 534