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BONNYCASTLE John a:to john|k:to (john) (3)
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Author: BONNYCASTLE (John)
° BONNYCASTLE (John). An Introduction .to astronomy in a series of letters, from a precept6r to his pupil, in which the most useful and interesting parts of the science are clearly and familiarly explained. Illustrated with copper—plates... The eighth edition, corrected, and greatly improved. pp. xi. + Ci) + 463. Tables. 8°. 1822.
Card ID: 82
Author: No Author available
2%. BONNYCASTLE (John). The Scholar’s guide to arithmetic, [Continued.] i Cu — c ——The twelfth edition, greatly enlarged — and improved. pp. (8) + 25k. Tables. 12°. London, 1822. Li [Another edition. I Enlarged and improved by E.C. Tyson. pp. iv. + 219. Tables. [De M.] 120. London, 1828.
Card ID: 86
LI EC’:i.r_, BONNYCASTLE (John). The Scholar’s Guide to AritImetic; or, a Comp1ete exercise—book for the use of schools. With notes, oont.aining the reason of every rule...together with general theorems for the more extensive use of the science. pp. Viii. + 194 + (2). IDe M.] 0 12 . London, 1780. - The.fifth edition. pp. iv. + 211.Tabl. 12°. London,1788. [SEE NECT CARD.]
Card ID: 84