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BONN Moritz Julius a:l p|k:p (will) (6)
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BONN, Moritz Julius
Author: BONN (Moritz Julius)
DPO5ITO BONN (Moritz Julius). Economics and politics. (arbaraWeLns.tock Lectures on the idorals of Trade.) pp. 36. [Mass.J 8°. Bostond hew York, 1932.
Card ID: 234
/ BONN (Moritz Julius). Geld und Geist: vom Wesen und Werden der amerikenischen Welt. (Erste bis dritte Auflage.) pp. 189. 8°. Berlin, 1927.
Card ID: 235
&P L?]’ BONN (Moritz Julius). German colonial policy. (Paper read at. a meeting of the Royal Colonial Institute on...Januar,r 13, 1914.) (United Enpire. 1914.) pp. 12b—142. 0 - 8 . [øs 1914.j Catalaguea .frn...the caption.
Card ID: 236
DEPOSI1’opy BONN (Moritz Julius). Die Krisi.der europ.ischen Demokratie. pp. 154 + (2). 8°. Munich, 1925.
Card ID: 237
: L9k BONN (Moritz Julius). [Wandering Scholars-German.) So macht man Geschichte? Bilana cines Lebens. pp. )+09. 0 8 . ch, 1953.
Card ID: 242
40 BONN (Moritz Julius). The World crisis, and the teaching of the Manchester school, 4on, 1931. See HEYSHOTT. Dunford House Cobden Memorial Association. Richard Cobden Lectures. 3.
Card ID: 243