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BON George Gordon Noel a:is gordon|k:is (gordon) (5)
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BON, George Gordon Noel
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Author: BON (George Gordon Noel)
BON (George Gordon Noel) Baron Byron. [Appendix. - 1(iscel].aneous.] WIsE (T.J.) A Byron library: a catalogue of printed boo1s, manuscripts and autograph letters by George Gordon Noel, Baron Byron, j. London, privately printed, 1928.
Card ID: 419
B9TVH 973 BON (George Gordon Noel), aronj-on. The Vision of jud€enient. l2...(Eeproduced from the copy of the seco edition of ‘The Liberal’, No. 1. [in the Library of the British ML1eeum.) Introductory note by Lionel Madden. pp. 39. Sco].ar Press: MenstOn, 1973.
Card ID: 245
Author: No Author available
. If— BYRON (George Gordon Noel), Baron Bon.-J lAppendix.- Biogrpy and criticism.] See BEPPO. Beppo London: a metropolitan story. un verse. A satire on Lord Byron..] London, 1819.
Card ID: 264
_[•3 tI4..I9h! BYRON (George Gordon Noel), Baron Bon. [Appendix. - Biography and criticisni.j JACKSON (John J Byron and Shelley considered as types of the revolutionary spirit. 1912.
Card ID: 332
S. fj..i BYRON (George Gordon Noel), Baron Bon. [Smaller Coilections.1 Poems on his domestic circumstances. 1. Fare thee we1l 2. A Sketch from private life... with..other poems. Fifth edition. pp.31 + (1). [De ll•J 8°. London, 1816. riouseditionomeofthe_poems only are genuine. Bound in a voluiae lettered; Honé1s tracts. Of 4-Yr,J . - Sixth edition, containing eight poem. r pp. 31 + (1). Portrait. 8°. LOfldofl, i816.
Card ID: 100