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BOLITHO Henry Hector a:c “|k:c(c) (8)
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BOLITHO, Henry Hector
BOLITHO, Henry Hector and MULGAN, John Alan Edward
Author: BOLITHO (Henry Hector)
DEPOSITORYL BOLITHO (Henry Hector). Albert the Good. [With a bib1iograph’.] pp. xi. + 307. Portrait and plates. 8°. London, 1932. STERLING L1BRAR.L.) -‘.U REFERENCE ONLY —LAnother edition.] pp.xi. + 307. Portr.its p1atando1d_glogjci tb1e. 8°. iOfld,2r1, 1932. .dition ljlnhJ4ecj to 70 conies. No. 47L copies Lor a1e sindby the auth.
Card ID: 277
DEPOSITORY BOLITHO (Henry Hector). A Century of British onarchy...Decorated by P. Gough. pp. xii. + 274. tris and plates. TEPLGLif 8°. [London], 1951. FEFaE o’IY . 0-Ltk— 195HJ copy.] With a pentation inscription bthe_author on the flyea.. - _____
Card ID: 279
ZT BOLITHO (Henry Hector). Jinnah, creator of Pakistan. [With a bibliography.] pp. x. + 2ki. Portraits and plates. 8°,London, 195+.
Card ID: 281
1 C BOLITHO (Henry Hector). King Edward VIII, his life and reign. pp. x. + 304 + (2). Portraits and plates. 8°. London, 1937.
Card ID: 282
BOLITHO (Henry Hector). The Romance of Windsor Castle. pp. 120. Portraits and tlates. 8°. [1946].
Card ID: 285
BOLITHO (Henry Hector). Roumania under King Carol. pp. 175. Portraits and olates. 8°. London, 1939.
Card ID: 286
BOLITHO (Henry Hector). A Summer in Germany: a diary. [written in collaboration with D.Peel.j pp. 179. Portraits and plates. 8°. London, 1963.
Card ID: 287
Author: BOLITHO (Henry Hector) and MULGAN (John Alan Edward)
DEPOSITORY BOLITHO (Henry Hector) and MULGAN (John Alan Edward)1 The Emigrants: early traveller.s to the Antipodes. pp. 223. PortatLand plate. 0 8. Londo,[1939].
Card ID: 291