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BOETHIUS Hector a:h william|k:it (william) (6)
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Author: BOETHIUS (Hector)
BOETHIUS (Hector). The Chronicles of Scotland, conipiled by H.Boece, etc. Edinburgh and. London, i93841. See EDINBURGH. Scottish Text Society.’ IJ’ublications.] Third Series. - ‘5.
Card ID: 447
BOETHIUS (Hector). The Life of WIlliam Elphinston, Bishop of ?berdeen, translated from H. Boethius’ Lives of the Bishop of Murthiac and Aberdeen. iJondon, 1782.1 IICHOL.S (John), F..A., rinter. Bibliotheca topographica Britannica, Vol. 5.
Card ID: 449
C c ‘4 BOETHIUS (Hector). Scotorum histori a prima gentis origine, cuin aliaruin & rerum & gentium illustratione non vulgari: pramissa epistola ncupatoria, tabellisqs amplissitnis, & non pcnitenda Isagoge, 2 parts in 1 vol. fol. LJ3adjj Ascensiityojs:[Parts,j6J Each part has a saate tit1epag and fQAiation. The gene_tit1e is prjnd_.iack and red, Each tjtag woodcupentaoQf a tjng pe ithe ceitr and is surrounded by a woodctbgrder. In a white v1luni stamoed Each side is imt — th enc1osed within il—_pro4.uced bands. [SEE NEXT CARDJ
Card ID: 450
50 BOETHIUS (Hector). The Mar Lodge translation of theHistory of Scotland. . . Edited by G. Wat son. Edinburgh and London, 1946. EDINBURGH. Scottish Text Society. ib1ications.J Third Series, 17.
Card ID: 452
5dc2, BOETHIUS (Hector) Hectoris Boetil Murthiacensium et Aberdonensium episcoporum vitae, iterum in lucem editae. Edinburgh, 1825. - ç EDXNBORGH. Bannatyrie Club. [Publications.] 11.
Card ID: 453
I 9 BOETHIUS (Hector). SHEPPARD (Elizabeth A.). Studies in the language of Bellenden’s Boece. 1936.
Card ID: 458