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BOCCACCIO Giovanni a:j john|k:are (john) (44)



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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    • c - 6i _____ BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). [Ameto. - Italian.) Ameto: comedia delle nirfe Fiorentine.,.. con la dichiaratione de’luoghi .difficili di F. Sansouino. . .ristampata &. . .ricorretta. pp 260. 12°. Venice, 1586.

    Card ID: 5

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    - - 2 BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). [Works.J Opere. (Continued.) 6. Le Rime, L’Amorosa visione, La Caccia di Diana, a cura di V.Branca. 1939. 7—8. Ii Decameron, acura di A.F.Massra. 1927. 9. Opere ).atine minori: Buccolicum carmen, carminum et episto].arum quäe supersunt, scripti breviora, a cura di A.FMassèra.- 1928. 10—11. Genealogie deorum.geati1ium libri. A cura di V.Romano. 2 vols. 1951. 12—14. Ii Coutento alla Divine Commedia e gli altri scritti intorno a Dante. A aura di D.Guerri. 3 vols. 1918. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 7

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). [Two or More Works. — Itia.1 Decaineron di Messer GiQvanni Boccaccio corretto ed illustrato con note tratte da vari da1Dbtt’Giu1io Ferrario. (Vita di Dante Alighieri. — Lettere. — Vita di Ciovanni- Boccacci’o sEcritta da FIlippo Vi11ini. — Vita di GiovanniBoccacc scritta dal cavaiiereGiroiamo Tiraboschl..) 4 vols. 8. Ii1an, 1803.

    Card ID: 9

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). [DeCasibus Virorum - lusrium. - ngiiS.J Lydgate’a Fail of prinoes. [A paraphrase of Laurenoe de Preniierfa.itrs Frenoh version of Boooaccio’s De Casibus Viroru.m illustrium”.] Tditea. byE. Bergen. [With Boccacoio’s and 1aurence’ a refaoes and the Daimoe of L!aohabree.J (Carnegie Institution of Waahingon. publioation 1o.262.) 4 vols4 Facsimiles. 80. Washington, i923-27. The pagination is continuous throughout the first vols. XMI [Another copy. I LJACQ4’j [SEE NCT CARD.]

    Card ID: 12

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). [DeCasjbnsVirorum illustrium. — Enl1sh.] Lydgate’s Fall of princes. Edited by H.Bergen. [Continued.] - [Another edition.] LonQn, 1924—27. LONDON. [III.) Early English Tect Soc i e ty. [Publications4 Extra Series. Nos. 121—12

    Card ID: 13

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    S L J’— tCCL— BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). [De Casibus Virorum Illustriuin.-. ng1ish,] A Treatise excellent and compdious, shewing... in nianer of tragedye, the falles of sondry most notable princes and princesses with other nobles...Translated into our English and vulgarE tong by Dan John tidgate. And now newly imprynted, corrected, and augmented out of diuerse...olde writen copies in parchment. (The daunce of Machabree. Made by John Lydate.) if. (9) + ccxxiiii. br rather, 225j. Woodcuts. fol. In .aedibs R.Tottelli: 1.Logdcn, 155+J. - [SEE NEXT CARD. J

    Card ID: 14

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    STRLTiG LIBRARY FERE!CE QLY BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). tDe Casibus Virorurn Illustrium. — Enlish.J i A Treatise excellent and compdious, [Continued.) Third or fourth editi. The last leana a few others are rnisnurRbered. Irnpe rfec t ant jng thçoodc has been sii,nlied in potQgraphtc fcsimile pn one of the original flvleaves. With nunerous signaturesetc in early hands on the orijna1 fiy1eaves which have been preserved.

    Card ID: 15

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    S1€RLING LIBRARY I icc REFERENCE 0N1Y j - - BOCCACCIO (Giovanni), [De Casibus Virorum Illustrium. —English.] The Tragedies, [Continued.] The third fourthedition a reprint of Pynsonts second. 157 edition. nnconnected with Tottel’s - edition of 155. The last leaf l4) is the title— pag_e to Wayland’s prjected continuation of Boccaccio work: ‘A memorial of suche Princes,as since the tyme of King Mchard the seconde, have been ufori in the Realzne of England’. With the bookplates o George Cha ers a the Earl of Cromer. An auto— gajh note from William Ireland to Chalmers is inserted. S.L.C., 1.52.

    Card ID: 17

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    xl’, B6TL 965 BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). IDe Casibus vircruzn iliustriusn. - Gjerrnan.] Die neim Blicher vau Gliick und van Ungijick beriihmter Winner mid Frauen... Mit 22 farbigen Miniaturen von der Hand mid. aus der Werkstatt ties Meisters Jean Fouquet aus den tM{inc1ncr Boccaccio’, mid 10 Hoizachnitten von 11483, Ubersetzt, erl&itert mid herausgegeben von W.pleister. pp.196. Munich, 1965.

    Card ID: 20

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). EDe Claris Mulieribus.Latin nd English.] Forty—six lives, translated from oeeaecio’s De claris ntulieribus’ by Henry Parker, Lord Morley, and edited by H. G. Wright. [With the Latin text.] London, 1943. See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Early English Text Society. [Publications.] Qriginal Series, No. 214.

    Card ID: 23

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). [De Lontib15, Silvis, etc. — i]ian..] Opera...dalla lingua latina nel thosco idioma per Meser Nicolo Liburnio novatnente trallat— ata. tratta delli monti; selve; boschi...Et in fine per...N.Liburnlo poste sono le provincie di tutto ‘1 nido, etc. (4) + lxx. leaves. 4°. [Venice?, 1550?]. The ilepgge has een_epard.

    Card ID: 27

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    Author: BOCCACCIO (Giovanni)


    L • BOCCACCIO (Giovanni). [Decamerone.—j.j I). Decameron di M..Gjo. 3occecio. Tratto dali’ ottimo testo scritto da F.d’Amaretto Manneili sul.).’ origInale del3i autore. LEdited by P.i. Guadagrii and i.A1.]3andini.J pp. xxxvi. + ft. 373. Port nfded table. .D.-L.L.] 4°. !a,1 1761.

    Card ID: 34