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BOBBIN Tim a:if john|k:in (john) (7)



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    Author: BOBBIN (Tim)


    BOBBIN (Tim), pseu. [i.e. John COLLIEN.] The Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq. in prose and verse; with eioir of the ‘auth. by .J. Corry, . Mnchester and cdouL, 1862. COLLIER (John), Jrmston, Commonly called Tim BOBBIN.

    Card ID: 447

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    Author: BOBBIN (Tim)


    •‘ Cc-&j BOBBIN (Tim), pseud. [i.e. John COLLIER). The Miscellaneous works of Tim Bobbin, containing his view of the Lancashire dialect, with. • .additios arid. improvements. Also, his poem of the Flying dragon and the man of Beaten, together with other his whimsical amusements in arose and verse, etc. pp. 166 (or rather, 167f. Portrait. [D.TUL.J 0 12 . London, [e. i780J. pp. 161-167 are numbered i6o—i66.

    Card ID: 446

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    Author: COLLIER (John)


    COLLIER (John), of Urmston, commonly called TIM BOBBIN. The Miscellaneous works of Tim Bobbin, containing his view of the Lancashire dialect, etc. London, [. 1780]. BOBBIN (T.), iseud. [I.e. J. COLLIER.]

    Card ID: 580

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    Author: CORRY (John)


    f CORRY (John). g COLLIER (John), o1 Urms, couimonly called * Tim BOBBIN. The Works of im Bobbin. . . with a memoir of the author by J. Corry, Manchester and jo1ori, 1862.

    Card ID: 79

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    Author: RD (Samuel)


    B?MFO RD (Samuel). See COLLIER (John), of Urnton, commonly called TIM BOBBIN. The Dialect of South Lanca3hire; or, Tim Bobbin’ s Tummus and Meary.. . With.. . an enlarged glossary...and an introduction] By Samuel Bamford. Second edition. London, 1854.

    Card ID: 233

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    Author: RIDINGS (Elijah)


    (v) (c Ei RIDINGS (Elijah). Se COLLIER (John), f .Urmsto, conunonly called Tim BOBBIN. The Works of Tim Bobbin...To which is added a rendering into simple P.nglish of the Dialogue of Tummus and Meary, - with...expJ.anatory notes, etc. by B. Ridings. Manchester and kondox, 1862.

    Card ID: 156

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    Author: No Author available


    c:Lu)C i_Ihc.J COLLIER (John), of commonly called Tim BOBBIN. The Works of Tim Bobbin, Esq. in prose and verse; with a memoir of the author by J. Corry. To which is added a rendering into simple ig1ish of the Dialogue of Tuinmus and Meary, with the idioms and similes retained, and explanatory notes, etc. by E. Bictings. pp. (2) + 4 + 534. Portrnd plates. 80 Mnyhsti and Lorjç1, 1862.

    Card ID: 581