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BLOUNT Thomas a:in thomas|k:thomas (for) (5)



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    Author: BLOUNT (Thomas)


    — I- c*cJ BLOUNT (Thomas). The Acadeinie of eloquence, containing a conipleat English rhetorique, exemplified, with commonplaces, and forties, digested into an easie and methodical way to speak and write fluently, according to the mode of the present times, together with letters both amorous and moral, upon emergent occasions. pp. (8) + 252. 12°. Printed by T.IL for fldioseiey: London, 1654. Imperfect vpnting the engraved tit1epag.

    Card ID: 294

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    Author: BLOUNT (Thomas)


    (“wpe_ C H- BLOUNT (Thomas). Boscobel; or, the History of His Sacred Majesties most miraculous preservation after the Battle of Worcester, 3. Sept. 1651. fPart 1 only.] pp. xix. + 91 + Ci). Portrait n tas. [S.R.j 12°. ioncast, 1809.

    Card ID: 296

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    Author: BLOUNT (Thomas)


    BLOUNT (Thomas). F° ‘‘ Fragmenta antiquitatis, etc. [Continued.] —[Another edition.) Tenures of land & customs of manors. Originally collected by T. B].ount and republished with... additions...1.n 1784 and 1315. A new edition.. .re-arranged. . .corrected and... enlarged, by W. C. Hazlitt. pp. xv. + 456. 0 8 . London, 1874. Supplement. pp. 112. 8°. London, 1909. One of fifty rinted.

    Card ID: 302

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    Author: BLOUNT (Thomas)


    tr BLOUNT (Thomas). A Law dictionary and glossary, interpreting... difficult and obscure words and terms... found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws...The third e.tion. To which are added...words oollected from all the laws of the Saxon, Danish and Norman kings. . .aiso an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, villages and rivers of Great Britain...By W. Nelson. pp. (334). fri. [London,) 171?. The copy presented to Chichester Cathedral Library by William Hay (l695—1?55) Keeper ot the Records itIie Tower.

    Card ID: 304

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    Author: BLOUNT (Thomas)


    BLOUNT (Thomas). See ESTIENNE (H.), Sieur. des..Fosss. The Art of making devises, treating of hleroglyphicks.. . T.anslated into English and T.B. (Thomas Biount), London, 1650.

    Card ID: 306