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BLOUNT Thomas a:an william|k:it (william) (3)



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    Author: BLOUNT (Thomas)


    tr BLOUNT (Thomas). A Law dictionary and glossary, interpreting... difficult and obscure words and terms... found either in our common or statute, ancient or modern, laws...The third e.tion. To which are added...words oollected from all the laws of the Saxon, Danish and Norman kings. . .aiso an explanation of all the ancient names of the inhabitants, cities, towns, villages and rivers of Great Britain...By W. Nelson. pp. (334). fri. [London,) 171?. The copy presented to Chichester Cathedral Library by William Hay (l695—1?55) Keeper ot the Records itIie Tower.

    Card ID: 304

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    Author: No Author available


    frr eJq SE 4 TERNES. Las Termes de la lay; or, Certain difficult arid obscure words and terms of the common laws and statutes of this realm now in use, expounded and explained. [By J.Rastell.1 Newly corrected and enlarged, [The editor’s preface is signed T.B., i.e. Thomas Blount?] pp. (i÷) + 613. 0 8 • 1667. Ascrib&to William Rastell in the eface. [sEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 156

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    Author: No Author available


    S’Ei .LJLULiabJ J • ei.L Les Terines de la ley, . [Contthi.J “/ —[Another edition.) Now corrected and enlarged, [The editor’s preface is signed T.B., i.e. Thomas Blount?) pp• (1k) + 67i (or rather 667]. 0 8 . Loncn, 1685. Ascribed to William RasteU in the preface. The Daination_jiregla. (SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 157