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BLOOM, John Harvey
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Author: BLOOM (John)
We BLO BLOOM (John). It’s no sin to make a rof It: Ean autobiography). pp. 251. Ports., plates. London and New York, 1971.
Card ID: 481
Author: BLOOM (John Harvey)
BLOOM (John Harvey). VERNEY (Henry), lOti o1hyde Broke. The Cart antiqi of Lord Willoughby de Broke. Part IV. Wiltshire: Pulton, Bathampton, Codforde, Ranging Langford, West Harnam. Edited by J.H.i3loom. gernsworth printed, [19011.
Card ID: 483
Author: No Author available
67 Periodicals Society UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Society for Research in Child Deve).opment. Monographs. C Continued.] 4o, i. An Interview study of children’s knowledge about memory. [By] Mary Anne Kreutzer, Sister Catherine leonard, John H. Flavell. With commentary by JohnW. Hagen. 1975. 40, ii. Structure and variation in child language. [By] Lois Bloom, Patsy Ughtbown, Lois Hood. With commentary by Melissa Bowerman, Hichael Maratsos, and reply by the authors. 1975. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 217
67 Periodicals Society UNITED STATES OF ANERICA. Miscellaneous Subheadings. Societl for Research in Child Developnent. Monographs. [Continued.] 39, i. A&J.escent personality development and historical change: 1970-1972. [By] John R. Nesseiroade, Paul B. Baltes. 1974. 39, ii. cp1oratory manipulation and play in the human infant. [By) Robert B. McCall. 1974. iii. Everyday preschool interpersonal speech usage: methodological, developmental, and sociolinguistic studies. [13y) Frances Fuchs Schachter Cand others]..., With coamentary by Courtney B. Cazden and Lois Bloom. 1975. [SEE NEXT CARD. J
Card ID: 215