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BLOIJNT Thomas a:bloijnt thomas|k:thomas (for) (2)
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Author: BLOIJNT (Thomas)
BLOIJNT (Thomas). \aac Boscobel.; or, The coi.iplete history of the most mIraculous preservation of King Charles II, after the Battle of Worcester, September the 3rd, 1651. To which is added Claustruin regale reseratum; or, The King’s concealment at Trent. HA4ILTON (..nthony), called Count. rteinoirs of the Court of Charles the Second. By Count (ramrnont...And: The Boscobel Tracts, pp. 477—536. London, 1846.
Card ID: 297
iiW{’C CA BLOIJNT (Thomas) • Bos&Tiei3•or,. .th..Hi-sto.ry of the mos-t miraculous preservátin of King Charles II. after the Battle of Worcester,.Sept-ember the third, 1651. By T.BlOunt. To whichs added tbe King’ s owi: account of hisadventures dictated to Mr. -SunueI Pep. Editedwiti an introduct&oa -and•bibliography. by C .G .Thomas. - With ariarmoriaL.frontispiece .by ...C.W. Sherborn. pp. xxxiv. + 167. 8°. London, 1894. Qne of 5O copies _printed..
Card ID: 298