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BLEEKER Claas Jouco a:c !ct|k:c(’c) (6)
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BLEEKER, Claas Jouco
Author: BLEEKER (Claas Jouco)
BLEEKER (Claas Jouco). Anthropologie religieuse: l’homnie et sa destine la luniire-de l’histoire des religions. tudes [by various authors] pub1ies sous la direction de C.J.Bleeker, etc. (tidies in the History of Religions, 2.) pp. (8) + 189. 0 8 • Leyden , 1355.
Card ID: 537
t3hL BLEEKER (Claas Jouco). The Sacred bridge: researches into the nature and structure of religion. (Studies in the History of Religions, 7.) pp. viii. ÷ 272. 8. Leyden, 1963.
Card ID: 541
P73 Ble BLEEKER (Claas Jouco). [Appendix1) Liber amicoruin: studies in honour of Professor Dr. C.J.Bleeker, etc. (Studies in the flistory of Religiona, 17.) pp 324. Bibi., port. Leyden, 1969.
Card ID: 542
PF5 Con BLEEKER (Claas Jouco). See CONGRESSES. Congi4s International d’EIstoire des Religions. fAmsterdam, 1950.] Proceedings of the 7th Congress for the History of Religions, Amsterdam, I1th—9th September 1950. !iited by C.J.Bleeker, G.WJ. Drewes, K.A.R.Hidi1ng. 80. Amsterdam, 1951.
Card ID: 543
FF5 Con BLEEKER (Claas Jouco). See CONGRESSES. Congi4s International dHistoire de8 Religions. !Stockholni, 1970.) Proceedings o the XIIth International Congress of the International Association for the History of Religions. Held. . .at Stockholm, Sweden, Augu8t 16_22, 1970. Edited by C. Jouco Bleeker, Geo Widengren, Eric J. Sbarpe. Leyden, 1975.
Card ID: 545
FF7 mt BLEEKER (Claas Jouco). INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE HISTORY OF RELIGIONS. Types of redemption: contributions to the theme of the study—conference he1dat Jerusalem 14th to 19th July 1968. Edited by R.J. Zwi Werblowsky and C. Jouco Bleeker. Leyden, 1970.
Card ID: 547