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BLE, John
BLE, John Philip
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Author: BLE (John)
!BLE (John) PAUL (0. IC.) Biographical sketches. (John Keb].e.) Lond 1883. F
Card ID: 23
Author: BLE (John Philip)
Malcolm Morley , Collection KE1BLE (John Philip). Lodoi5kJ: a nielodratnatic opera in three acts. [ls”75?] DICKS (John). Dicks’ Standard Plays, 191.
Card ID: 571
Author: HARDING (John)
HARDING (John), Bishop of Bombay. To the Right Hon?ble Lord Elphinstone, ç. tA Report of the Bishop of Bombay, dated 19 March 1857, on his visitatorial duties, together with the resolution of Government thereon, dated 30 1arch 1857.1 - [Bombay printed, 1857.] See BOMBAY, Presidency f. [Departments of State ad Official Bodies.] Ecclesiastical DeDar t ment.
Card ID: 392
Author: No Author available
EM Ble BrIBriu (John N.) The Parable of the beast: [an exploration Of the frontiers of biological knowledge.) pp. xi. + 305. Plates. 8°. Lndon, 1968.
Card ID: 585
Malcolm Morley COllection DE. CAMP, afterwards Xl’!BLE (Marie Thrèse). Personation; or, Fairly taken in: an interlude in one act. Adapted froni the French. i: 1886.] DICKS (John). Dicks’ standard plays, 748,
Card ID: 231
7 5ev BLE. Appendix. John, Gosp1 of • Zis ceilaneous. see siins’r (Jan Nicolaas). [Iqendix.] Stuiica in John. Presented to Dr. J .N.Sever.ster on the ocass ion of his seventieth birth&y. [With a bibliography of Sevenster’s works.] Lcyden, 1970.
Card ID: 84
IN’PJRNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE HISTORY OF RUGIONS. Numen1 etc. [continued.] (Supplements.) Studies in the hist,ry of religions. 23. RAHSARAN (John Ansuman). english and Hindi religious poetry: an arialogical study. 1973. 21.. STO1FiLR (F.Ernest). German pietism during the L. eighteenth century. 1973. 25. BLE(ER (Claas Jouco). Hathor and Thoth: two key me.. figures of the ancient egyptian religion, etc. 1973. 26. SIjBOUPIN (Leopold). Priesthood: a comparative study. 1973. 27. BOYD (James W.) Satan and Hra: Christian and PNitt2 Buddhist symbols of evil. 1975. .EE NEXT CA?iJ.]
Card ID: 250