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BLAIR David a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (2)
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BLAIR, David
Author: BLAIR (David)
BLAIR (David), of !e1bourne. H., F.W. The Hamlet controversy [respecting Mr. Montgomery’s interpretation of Hamleti. Was Hamlet mad? or, the Lucubrations of Messrs. Smith, Brown, Jones, and obinson [i.e. A.Michie and D.Blairj, . Melbourne, i867.
Card ID: 188
L(i [z-&] BLAIR (David), Rev.,pud.. Li.e. Richard — PHILLIPS.] The Universal preceptor; or, General grammar of arts, sciences, and useful knowledge, for the use of schools...The twentieth edition1 improved) pp. iv. + 323. Plates and folded map. 12°. London, i825.
Card ID: 189