
Search Term (count):

BLACKIE John Stuart a:f julius|k:in (julius) (4)



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    Author: BLACKIE (John Stuart)


    >cc BLACKIE (John Stuart). The Lançuace and literature of the Scottish Hgb1ands. pp. xi -c- 331. EL. I.] 80. Edinbur, 1876.

    Card ID: 394

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    Author: BLACKIE (John Stuart)


    PQS1TC2 BLACKIE (John Stuart). On beauty: three discourses delivered in the Uni’iersity of Edinburgh. With an exposition of the doctrine of the beautiful according to plato. pp. xii. + (4) + 270. EG.G.] 8. London, 1858.

    Card ID: 396

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    Author: BLACKIE (John Stuart)


    BLACKIE (John Stuart). The Water cure In Scotland: Live letters from Dunoon originally jiublished in the “Aberdeen Herald, now reprinted. pph 46. [G. G.) 8. Aberdeen, 1849.

    Card ID: 400

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    Author: BLACKIE (John Stuart)


    BLACKIE (John Stuart). BACON (F.), Viscount St. Albans. [Essays.] Essays, civil and moral. ?ith Characters of Queen Elizabeth and Julius Csar...With an introduction by J.S.Blackie. London arid Nw York, [1886].

    Card ID: 402