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BLACK William a:t william|k:it (william) (6)
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BLACK, William
BLACK, William Henry
BLACK, William Tenry
Author: BLACK (William)
‘IL G67a Bla BLACK (William), Novelist, Goldsmith. (English Hen of Letters.) pp. vii. + 160. 8°. London, 1878. \ ‘I - t._ (Library edition, reprinted.) pp vii. +.164. (. ‘.‘ C’ 8°. London, 1909.
Card ID: 267
Author: BLACK (William Henry)
I BLACK (William Henry), Assistant Keeper of the Public Records. Bibliotheca Colfan catalogus. Catalogue of the library in the free grammar—school at, founded. by Abraham Colfe in the year 1652. London, 1831. LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, Leviiham_Graromar School.
Card ID: 272
Author: BLACK (William Tenry)
Lh&vc kcL (O_4 fr-i - BLACK (William Tenry),, AssstartkePCr of the Publi.AecordS. EDITH, taint. Chronicon Vilodunense; siire, De vita et miraculis Sanet Editha2...Nunc deuium in lueeui editum, cura G.H.Black, etc. London, 1830.
Card ID: 276
BLACK (William Henry), Assistant Keeper of the Public Records. LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Iñätitutions, Societies, etc.] Percy SocIety. Early English poetry, . Vol. 19. Life and martyrdom of Thomas Becket. Edited by W.H.Black. London, 1845.
Card ID: 278
BLACK (William Henry), Assistant Keeper of the Public Records. See LONDON. f III. MiscelLaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Percy Society. Early English poetry, etc. Vol. 30. John Bon and Mast Person: a dialogue in vre. Edited by W.H.Black. ndon, 1852.
Card ID: 279
Pulaeography Eocm Reference only BLACK (William Henry), Assistant Keeper or the Public Records. LONDON. [III.] Roxburgbe Club. [Publications. I Z7 Ganfridi Prthurii Morieimzthens is Archidiaconi... De vita et vaticiniis Merlini CaJ.idonii carmen heroicum. (Transcribed from a ma. in the British Museum by William Henry Black,) [With a preface by G. Ellis.] °. London, 1830.
Card ID: 280