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BISHOP John George be (john) (18)



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    Author: BISHOP (John George)


    BISHOP (John George). The Brighton Chain Pier: in memoriam. It history from 1823 to 1896, with a biographical notice of Sir Samuel Brown, its designer and constructor, and an appendix [of J legal documents. pp.(8) + 74 ÷ XxV. Portraits and plates. 4°. Brighton, 1897.

    Card ID: 199

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    Author: PEEL (‘li11iain George), Bishop of Monibasa and WILLIS (John Jainieson)


    PEEL (‘li11iain George), Bishop of Monibasa and WILLIS (John Jainieson), 3isktop of Uganda. Steps towards reunion: a statement for the Consultative Committee. (Appendix.) p. 70. 0 8 . Loncon, 1914.

    Card ID: 307

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    Author: TEY (John)


    L94ev Mac HEThTEY (John), Baron Hervey. See Mac CARTHY (Mary Josefa), lady. Fighting Fitzgerald (George Robert Fitzgerald), and other papers. (I. Popets Isporust; John, Lord Hen’ey.- U. The Earl Bishop: Frederick Hervey, 4th r1 of Bristol, Bishop of Derry.- III. Fighting Fitzgerald: George Robert Fitzgerald. IV. - ‘Humanity Martin’. - Richard Martin of Beuinahinch, connemara.) London, 1930.

    Card ID: 111

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    Author: ME (John)


    CBN Wis Reference only SiME (John). See WISHART (George), Bishov of Edinburgii. James, first rquess of Mntrose, i6i2-j.6o. Abridged translation of Bishop Wishart’s ‘History of the Kings FJesties affairs in Scotland’, under Ibntrose. Edited, with notes, and a biographic sketch of ntrose and Wishart, by John Sirne. [with a note on the binding by rri1 Lveriport.] London, 1903.

    Card ID: 493

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    Author: RUST (George)


    fPc 27 j RUST (George), i-ishoo of Dromore. A Funeral sermon [on 1 John iii. 2J preached at the obsequies of...Jererny [Taylor], Lord Bishop of L’own, etc. Lonpn, 1678. See TAYLOR (Jeremy), Bishop of Down and Connor, and of Dromore. EvLo..vroc: a course of sermons...The fifth edition, enlarged.

    Card ID: 242

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    Author: SELWYN (George AugustuB)


    SLi7 Eva SELWYN (George AugustuB), successively Bishp of New Zealand and of Lichfleld. See. ,VANS (John H.) Churcmn mSltant: George Augustus Selwyn, Bishop of New Zealand and Lichfield. 8°. London and. 1ellington, i96i.

    Card ID: 509

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    Author: E (William George Hylton)


    ?*IVRN Bru JOLLTflE (William George Hylton), 1st Baron Hylton. See BRUTON (Francis Archibald). Three accounts of Peterloo by eyewitnesses, Bishop Stànley, Lord Hylton, John Benjamin SnUb. With Bishop Stanley’s evidence at the trial. Edited by l.A. Bruton. 8°. Manchester1 1921.

    Card ID: 69

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    Author: ARP (George)


    N Wia WiSIiARP (George), Bisiop of Edinburgh. James, first Marquess of Nontrose, 1612—1650. Abridged translation of Bishop Wishart’s ‘History of the Kings Kajesties affairs in Scotland’, under Moritrose. Edited, with notes, and a biographic sketch of Nontrose and iishart, by John Lime. CWith a note on the binding by Cyril Davenport.i jp. lx, 157. Port. London, 1903. No. 3 of the Russell Press Stuart Series.”

    Card ID: 407

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    Author: FITZGAIL (George Robert)


    L9lev Mac FITZGAIL (George Robert). See MacCPJThf (Mary Josefa), L5L3y. Fighting Fitzgerald (George Robert Fitzgerald ), and other papers. (I. Pope’s ISporus?: John, Lord Hervey.— II. The E.rl Bishop: Frederick Hervey, l4th Earl of Brislxl, Bishop of Derry,- III. Fighting Fitzgerald: George Robert Fitzgerald. IV.- ‘Humanity Martin’.- Richard Martin of Bellinahinch, Connemara.) London, 1930.

    Card ID: 483

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    Author: No Author available


    b. SMALRXDGE (George), Bishop of Bristol. OLDMIXON (John, Miscllaneou Writer. The History of England during the reigns of the foyal House of Stuart, - Mr. Oldmixon’s Hepiy to the Late Bishop Atterburyts Vindicai&i of Bishop Smaliridge, Dr. Aldrich and himself, London, 1732.

    Card ID: 65

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    Author: HVE (Frederick Augustus)


    L9iev Mac HVE (Frederick Augustus), -r1.oL Bria o1, .c.cessivey Bishop of Cloyne and of Perry. See ?acCARTRY (Mary Josefa), Lady. Fighting Fitzgerald (George Robert Fitzgerald), and other papers. (I. Pope ‘a ‘Sporus’: John, Lord ierrey.- II. The ErJ. Bishop: Frederick I{ervey, l4th Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry.- III. Fighting Fitzgerald: George Robert Fitzgerald. IV,- ‘Humanity Martin’.- Richard Martin of Beilin&iinch, Connemara.) London, 1930.

    Card ID: 100

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    Author: CABTHY (Nary Josefa)


    L9ev Mac MacCABTHY (Nary Josefa), Lady. Fighting Fitzgerald (George Robert Fitzgerald), and other papers. (I. Pope ‘s ‘Sporus’: John, Lord Rervey.- IX. The Earl Bishop: Frederick Kervey, Earl of Bristol, Bishop of Derry.- III. Fighting Fitzgerald: George Robert Fitera1d. XV.- Humanity Martin’.- Richard Martin of Bellinahinch, Connemara.) pp. 230. Bibi., plates. London, 1930.

    Card ID: 409