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BIRCH Walter e Gray a:an walter|k:an (walter) (2)
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BIRCH, Walter e Gray
BIRCR, Walter e Gray
Author: BIRCH (Walter e Gray)
BIRCH (Ext-Error'>WaltEr E Gray). CataloguE of thE Royal ChartErs and othEr documEnts and list of books bElonging to thE Corporation of Lincoln,. Etc. LIncoln, 1906. LINCOLN. Corporation. MuniniEnt Roam.
Card ID: 93
Author: BIRCR (Walter e Gray)
rvIVc BIRCR (Ext-Error'>WaltEr E Gray). ICExt-Error'>Ext-Error'>ENBL (J. it. ThE Saxons in Ext-Error'>Ext-Error'>England...A nEw Edition, rEvisEd by W. DE Gray Birch. London, l8?E.
Card ID: 104