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BION Nicolas bion (nicolas) (2)
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BION, Nicolas
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Author: BION (Nicolas)
BION (Nicolas). L’tJsage des globes celeste et terrestre, et des spheres, suivant les differens systemes du monde. Prcdé d’uri traité de cosmographie...Accompagné des figures nêcessaires. . .Cinqulènie edition, revue, corrig4e & augmente. pp. (8) + 372 [or rather 368] + (10). Tables and folded maps. 8°. Paris, 1728. Between the_pages numbered 34OjsigY2 verso) and 5 re is a folded table which is çjinjered41, 34 541. 344 and signed Y
Card ID: 540
Author: No Author available
,° r. -n.j BION (Nicolas). The Construction and principal uses of mathematical instruments. Translated from the French...To which are added, the construction and uses of such instriments as are omitted by M.Bion; particularly of those invented or improved by the English. By E.Stone, etc. pp. vii. + 264. Folded plates. [L.I.) fol. London, 1723.
Card ID: 539