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BINGLEY William a:bingley william|k:0091 (2)
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BINGLEY, William
Author: BINGLEY (William)
‘•- :i U BINGLEY (William), iev. Animal bicgrapiy; or, Authentic anecdotes of the lives, manners, and econony of the animal creation, arranged acoordinR to the system of Ljnnaeus,..Seoond edition, witb...additions and corrections. [With a biblicgrap1y.J 3 vols. Frontispiece. EL. I.) oO r 1C.lA c) • LZO.LL LOV
Card ID: 325
BINGLEY (William), g SEYMOUR (F.), Duchess of_Somerset. Correspondence between Frances, Countess of Hartford, afterwards Duchess of Somerset, and Henrietta Louisa, Countess of Pomfret, between the years 1738 and 1741. [Edited by Y.’.Bingiey.] QfldOfl, 1805.
Card ID: 328