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BING, William
ECJCFELDT, Jacob Reese and DU BOIS, William Bing
Author: BING (William)
STEI3BING (William) The Poots1 Geoffrey C!auoer to Alfred Tennyson, 1340 - 1892. Impreion by W. Stebbing. 2 vols. 8°. LjndUn,E0xfdr4 inted ],19O 1. Chaucer — Burns 2. Wordsworth — Tennyson.
Card ID: 374
Author: ECJCFELDT (Jacob Reese) and DU BOIS (William Bing)
Lii ECJCFELDT (Jacob Reese) and DU BOIS (William Bing). A Manual of gold and silver coins of all nations struck within the past century, showing their history and legal basis, and their actual weight, fineness and value...Illustrated by... engravings of Saxton. pp• (Li.) + 220. at ‘and tables. [L.I.] 0 . Philadelphia, 18t2. With a second, engraved, title—pa4..i.,.(--’
Card ID: 411