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BIELER Ludwig a:j john|k:to (john) (6)
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BIELER, Ludwig
Author: BIELER (Ludwig)
)Sc* _-+ BIELER (Ludwig). Codices Patriciani Latini: a descriptive catalogue of latin manuscripts relatin to St. Patrick. Iwith a bibliography. pp. xvii. + 72. 8°. Dublin, 1942. — Addenda et corrigenda. [Offprinted from Analecta Bollandiana. Vol. LXIII.] pp. 242—256. 8°. Brusej, 1945.
Card ID: 268
•1 BIELER (Ludwig). Irland: Wegbereiter des Mittelalters. [with a short bibliography.) (Sttten des Geietee.) pp. 155. Plates, £Llua— tr&tions, facsimiles and maps. - fol. Olten, 1961:. The plates are include4 in the pagination.
Card ID: 271
PNDL P25a Bje BIELER (Ludwig). The Life &nd legend of St. Patrick: problems of modern scholarship. twith a bibliography.] pp. 146. 8°. LJubUn, 1949.
Card ID: 273
PRA3e’ (P:C:) Cor BIELER (Ludwig). St. Patrick and the coming of Christianity. See CORTSH (Patrick .) A History of Irish Catholicism, etc. Vol.1, 1. 8° • Dublin end !1bourne, 1967.
Card ID: 274
XH7 Bie BIELER (Ludwig). [Appidix. 1 Latin Bcript and letters, A.D. 400-900. Feøtschrift presented to Ludwig Bieler on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Edited by John J. O’Meara and Bernd Naumann. [with a b:lbliography of ludwig Bielers publications.] pp. 276. Port. Leyden, 197’6.
Card ID: 275
Iti Rsference only BIELER (Ludwig). CORPUS CHRISTIANORUM. CorpuB Christieziorum. Series Latina. 175, 176. ttineraria et alia geograpMca. [Edited by] (p .Geyer, O.Cuntz, A .Prancescbini, R .Weber, L.Bieler, IJraipont [and] F.Glorie. Indices.) 8°. Turnhout, 1965.
Card ID: 278