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BESSON Jacques (2)



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    Author: BESSON (Jacques)


    wd : BESSON (Jacques). Theatre des instruruens matheniatiques & methaniques de laques Besson, avec 1?interpretation des tigres dticelt1y, ar François Beroald. pp. (40) + 60 plates. ID • -L • L.] fol. Barthe1enjy3incet: Lyons, 1578. —-(Another edition.] Plus, en ceste derniere edition ont est4 adioustees additions a .chacune figure. pp. (146). [D.—L.L.) fol. Eacius Chout: Geneva, 1594. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 207

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    Author: BESSON (Jacques)


    BESSON (Jacques). Theatre des Instrumens mathematiques, etc. [ContiT The tit1pages to both .editions have identical j578 editpbound_ after the 1594 edition, in a brown calf volume with the arms of the family of Beauvarl et de Moisirno ntsaed in gold thre o each cyç. thecorr, of a .paneJ. formed by a two-lirie fi1let,_framin the book-stamp, are the initi1s LB. Theogram is_r.e peated on the spine of the volume. With the armorjj1. bookplate of Joha Piny.

    Card ID: 208