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BERT Joseph a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (5)
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BERT, Joseph
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ARTHUR, k George Cotupton Archibald
Author: BERT (Joseph)
CHAIJLEfte1WardSCHAILLY—BERT (Joseph). Java et. ses hzbitants. (Appendice: 1’Institut. botanique de Buit.enior.) p. xviii. ÷ 37. 8°. Paris, 1900.
Card ID: 119
Author: No Author available
• ‘r r—)c73. c_fl BANKS (Right Hon. Sir Joseph), Bert.. New source material on Sir Joseph Banks anô. Iceland.. • Sen Fanci!, 1941. See SACIWENTO (CALIFORNIA). Catornia State Library. SutrBranch. — Occasional papers. Manuscript series. 3.
Card ID: 107
Author: ARTHUR (k George Cotupton Archibald)
WOL ARTHUR (k George Cotupton Archibald), Bert, WOLSELEY (Garnet Joseph), 1st Viscount Wo1se1y. The Letters of Lord and L.eL3y Wolseley, 1870-1911. Biited by Sir George Arthur. 11ev York and London, 1922, reprinted New York, 1972.
Card ID: 327
—‘.— _,I._ - KUERSCHNER (Joseph). Deutsche National—Litteratur, etc. [Continued.] 148. CHA1v!ISSO DJ ONCOtJRT (Ludwig Carl Ade].bert von). Chamissos Werice. Gedichte ersts und zvreite Abteilung. GelegenheitsGed johte. In dramatisoher Form. ‘tibersetungan. Peter Schiemihis wund,er same Ge s chi cht e. Herau8gegeb en von 0. F, Walsel, pp. cxxii. + 52. Portraits and facsimiles. 8°. Stuttgart, [1892.]
Card ID: 526
Author: LANGHTHON (Philipp)
CM_D Ic)3 co1J MlLANGHTHON (Philipp). Ad reveee:i•1ui virui iohannen Pterfingeruw...epistola Philippi £e1anhonis 1e iorte filii, etc. (Gratu— lat.oria d coniugio, eoioi autore. Donsolatio ad reverenuit vir I. Pfeff-ingeruo de iorte fuji [in verse]. ?reutIo uljeris Canane...versjbus reddita P. lainhone.. .1554.) (18) leaves. a°. x orftctna typoraphLca Viti Creutzer: ftttem— bert, 1555. B,und in a vouiuc lttLercd: Melanothoni opuaou.a 4c. This vo1ue was toreriy i the .ibrary of Thoae, azi of Srathrnore, nã i,a i4iød by Joseph Payne (xeOe—i78), who be4ueathed it to R.H.Quok.
Card ID: 16