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BERNARD John Henry a:i i john|k:to (john) (3)
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BERNARD, John Henry
Author: BERNARD (John Henry)
11 Yfvj I BERNARD (John Henry), ArchbIshop of DublIn! The Cathedral church of SaInt PatrIck: a hIstory & descrIptIon of the buIldIng, wIth a short account of the Deans, etc. (Bell’s Cathedral SerIes.) pp. xII. + 88. IllustratIons and plans. 8°. London, 1905.
Card ID: 525
€- BERNARD (John Henry), ArchbIshop of DublIn. The Odes cIf Solomon. Two OaIbrIdge leoturee. (Texts. and udIs, 8,III.) pp. +7. LH.C.) 0 8 • London, l9l3.
Card ID: 528
C BERNARD (John Henry), ArchbIshop of DublIn. BIBLE. New Testament. [Greek, 1909.] CambrIdge Greek TestaIent for schools and colleges. 14. The Pastoral epIstles. EdIted wIth IntroductIon and notes by J.E.Bernarê.. CarubrId.e, 1922.
Card ID: 529