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BERNARD Catherine bernard (catherine) (4)
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BERNARD, Catherine
SHW, George Bernard
SHAW, George Bernard
Author: BERNARD (Catherine)
BERNARD (Catherine). Brutus: tragédie [in Live acs and in verse]. See FRENCH ThEATRE. Thétre françois, Vol. 5. pp. 417— 524. Paris, 1735.
Card ID: 455
BERNARD (Catherine). Laodamie, reine d’E?ire: tragdie [in five acts and in versej. b’ee FRENGEI THEATRE. Thâtre françois, . Vol. 5. pp. 525—622. Paris, 1735.
Card ID: 456
Author: SHW (George Bernard)
SHW (George Bernard)., Great, Catherine, whom glory still adores. See ‘sipra: [wo ar Moe’ Works.]. Heartbreak — House, etc. I NejY.,pk, 9 t9. —L!Anothëi edition.] London, 199. —(Seventh impression.) London, 1929. ‘
Card ID: 109
Author: SHAW (George Bernard)
SHAW (George Bernard). . The Works of Bernard Shaw. [CONTINUED.1 13. Misalliance. The Dark lady of the sonnets. Fanny’s first play. 14. .Androcles and the lion. Overruled. Pygmalion. 15. Heartbreak House, Great Catherine, and Playlets of the War. 1 6. Back to Methuselah. 17. Saint Joan. The Apple cart. 15. Translations and tomfooleries. 19. Major Critical essays: the Quintessence of Ibsenism, the Perfect Wagnerite, the Sanity of Art. 20. The Intelligent woman’s guide to socialism and capitalism. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 61