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BERKELEY George a:be george|k:0208 (19)



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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    BERKELEY (George), Bishop of Clome. jworks.J The Works of George erkeley...To which is added, an account of his life [by J.$tock]; and several of his letters to Thomas Prior, Esq., Dean Gervais, Lr. Pope, &c. 3 vols. [G.G.J 8°. London, 1820.

    Card ID: 17

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    7dS BERKELEY (George), Bishop of Cloyne. [Two or more wor1sJ A Treatise concerning the principles of human knowledge, wherein the chief causes of error and difficulty in the sciences, with the grounds of scepticism, atheism, and irreligion, are inquired into. First printed in the year 1710. To which are added, Three dia1oues between Hylas and Philonous, in opposition to scepticks and atheists. First printed in the year 1713. pp. 35. .0 8 . London, 1734.

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    BERKELEY (George), Bis__Qoyne. The Analyst, etc. [Continued.] — INTRODUCTION. An Introduction to the doctrine of fluxions, arid defence of the mathematiciaw against the objections of the author of The Analyst Li.e. G. Berkeley], so far as they are designed to affect their general methods of reasoning. [By T. Bayes.] London, l736

    Card ID: 24

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    BERKELEY (George), Bishop of Ci2ye. The Analyst, etc. [Continued.) —S PHILALEThES CANTABRIGIENSIS, pseud. [i.e. J. J1JBi). The Minute mathematician; or, the Freethinker no just—thinker, set forth in a second letter to the author of The Analyst [i.e. G. Berkele’, containing a defence of Sir Isaac Newton and the British mathematicians against a late pamphlet [by G. Berkeleyj entituled A Defence of free—thinking in mathematics, etc. London, 1735.

    Card ID: 26

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    BERKELEY (George), Bishop of Cloyne. The Analyst, etc. tcontinued.] —See. 7ALON (i.), Mathenatician. A Vindication of 3ir Isaac Ner,tonts principles of fluxions against the objections contained in The Analyst f by G. Berkeley]. Dublin printed and London reprinted, 1735.

    Card ID: 27

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    BERKELEY (George), Bishop of Cloyne. A Defence of free—thinking in mathematics, in answer to a. pamphlet of Philalethes Cantabrigiensis [i.e. J. Jurin) intituled Geome.try rio friend to infidelity...Also an appendix concerning Mr. Walton’s Vindication of the principles of fluxions against the objections contained in The Analyst [by G. Berkeley)...By the author of The Minute philosopher [i.e. G. Berkeley]. London, 1735. See PHILALETHES CANTABRIGIENSIS, pseud. [i.e. J JURIN]. Geoi rieiid to infidelity, etc.

    Card ID: 28

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    BERKELEY (George), Bishop of Cloynç. A Defence of free—thinking, etc. l:Contiraied.) —See PHILALETEES CANTABRIGIEiSIS pseud. [i.e. J. JURIiJ1. The 1Unute mathematician; or, the Freethinker no just—thinker, set forth in a second letter to the author of The Analyst [ie. G. Bericeley), containing a defence of Sir Tsaac Newton and the British mathe— maticians against a late pamphlet [by G• Berkeley] entituled A Defence of freethinking in mathematics, London, 1735.

    Card ID: 29

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    •--i k tO BERKELEY (George), Bishop of cloyne. Sins; a chain of philosophical reflexions and inquiries concerning the virtues of tar water...By G.L.B.O.C. [i.e. George • Berkeley, Bishop of Cloynej. Dubn 1744. See C., G.L.BO.

    Card ID: 35

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    Z BERKELEY (George), Bihopof Cloyneb Berkeley’s Abhandlung Lber die Princ4.plen der menschlichen Erkennt,niss. In s Deutsche tbersetzt und mit erlauternden und pri’li’enden Anmerkungen versehen von F. lieberweg. (Philosophische Bibliothek... herausgegeben...von J. Ii. von 1.irchrnar1n, Vol. 12). pp. xiv. + (a) +t.149 + (i). (,. G.J O 3erlin, 1869.

    Card ID: 38

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    [o13c3 [E!P23 •4•_ i’f Q(•• BERKELEY (George), Bishop of Cloyne. [Appendix.) Psrohó1ogy of Berkeley [ByJ. 1-Ioppua.] pp. 4—37. [De M.J, 8°. ( , . l87]. Catalogued from the capUon.

    Card ID: 39

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


    ‘S BERKELEY (George), Bishop of C1om. BRATfON (Alice). George Berkeley in Apulia. Boston r)Lass.], 1946.

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    Author: BERKELEY (George)


     BERKELEY (George),.Biehop of Cloyne. See CASSIRER (Erich). Die aligemeinen Voraussetzungen des Berkeleyschen Systems, etc. Marburg, 1913.

    Card ID: 42