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BERKELEY CALtFORNIA berkeley (caltfornia) (4)
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SIFSON, Lesley Byrd
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2 BERKELEY (CALtFORNIA). U versjty of California. University of California publications in culture and society. L1tinueA.] 6. BROON (Leonard) and KITSLJSE (J.I.) Qw The Managed casualty: the Japanese— - American family in World War II. 1956. 7. IIYMAN (Herbert H.) Applications of methods of evaluation: four studies of the Encampment for Citizenship. By H.H.Hyman, C.R.Wright, and T.K.Hopkins. 1962. 8. SALISBURY (Richard F.) Structures of ‘ custodial care: an anthropological study of a State Mental Hospital. 1962. [s NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 232
Author: SIFSON (Lesley Byrd)
_be1\ J SIFSON (Lesley Byrd). Exploitation of land in Central Mexico in the sixteenth century, . Berkeley and Los Aneles, 1952. See BEBELEY (Caltfornia). University of Ca]4forni Ibero—Americana, 36.
Card ID: 569
Author: No Author available
P.z. [LIt- C’%vC..1 .“ BERiLEY (CALtFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications. Folklore studies. 1. SPERONI (Charles). The Italian wellerism to the end of the seventeenth century. [With a biblio— graphy.] pp. (10) + 71. 8°. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1953.
Card ID: 200
(. D’° - Jifr. j HAGER (Georg). - - -. Georg Thiger, aMeistersinger of Ntrnberg, 1552— 1634. [An edition of his writings) by C.H.Bell. jc1ey and Los Arigele, 1947. Se BERKELEY (Caltfornia). Universityof California. University of California publications in modern philology. Vols. :29—52.
Card ID: 506