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BERKELEY CALIFORNIA a:on robert|k:an (robert) (44)



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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in. librarianship. [Continued.) rs2c J . WILSON (Patrick). Two kinds of power: an essay on bibliographical control. 1968. L2ol 6. KOEPP (Donald W.) Public library government: seven case studies. 1968. c11s: “flNL- 7. HARLAN (Robert D.) John Henry Nash: the biography of a career. 1970. r I 8. PETERSON (Kenneth a.) The University of California J4brary at Berkeley, 19OO—19L5. 1970.

    Card ID: 363

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in Geography. [Continued.) 20. FRENKEL (Robert E.) fluderal vegetation along seine California roadsides, 1970. 21. McKNIGHT (Thomas Lee). Friendly vermin: a survey of feral livestock in Australia. 1926. 22. RE (Robert Ronald). Colonial Manila: the context’ of Hispanic urbanism and process of morphogenesis. 1978. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 287

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California. publications: classical studies. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] 1. (SEE THE MIC1)flCBE CATALOGUE.) - -‘ 2. SMUTNY (Robert Jaroslav). Greek and Latin £-s inscriptiàns at Berkeley. [EditedJ by R.J. Smutny. 1966. 3. STROUD (Ronald S.) Drakon’s law on homicide 1968. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 186

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). Universjof California. University of California publications. English studies. [The volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.J C J.. rs th Nicx’ofichQ Ct1r. J 2. MUELLIR (William R.) The Anatomy ‘of t Robert &irton’s England. 1952. 3S’J4$’ • 3. STAFFORD (John I.) The Literary criticism • of”Young America”. 1952. 4. JORDAN (John E.) Thomas De Quincey, literary crtic. 1952. [3EE IEXT CAflD.j

    Card ID: 190

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in history. [Contirix.] 72. GREGORY (Robert G.) Sidney Webb and East Africa. 1962. 73. DAY (James H.) and CHANBERS (M.) Aristotle’s History of Athenian democracy. 1962. 74. OBRIEN (Carl B.) Muscovy and the 3MNF Ukraine, from the Pereiaslavl agreement to the truce of Andrusovo. 1963. 75. WACHOLDER (sen Z.) Njcojaus of Damascus.XFN 1962. t’J3 c,j C ISEE NEXT CARD, 3

    Card ID: 350

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in history. [Continued.] 3NEEU 76. SWAIN (Donald C.) Federal conservation policy, 1921—1933. 1963. 77. BURR (Robert N.) By reason or force: 1f’’.S Chile and the balancing or power in :)‘ South America, 1830—1905. 1965. 78. JACOBSON (David L.)-.Jobn Dickinson in ennsylvania, 1764- _- M i’I 79. SONNINO (Paul). Louis ZIV’s view of the Papacy, i66i-i6f’7. 1966. CSEE NEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 351

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). Univcrsity of California. University of California publications in modern philology. [Continued • J 96. GRIFFIN (Robert Berry). Coronation of the poet: 1b Joachim Dii Bellay’s debt to the Drivium. 1969. t° Grt 97. ELLIS (John Martin). Kleiet’a ‘Prinz Friedrich3XWQ von Homburg’: a critical study. 1970. 98. GARCtA (Salvador). Las Ideas literarias L1 Espafla entre 1840 y 1850. 1971. [sEEr.NaT CARD.]

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in modern philology. CContinued.] 88. SItRONI (Charles). The Aphorisms of Orazio Rinaldi,9e Robert Greene and Lucas Grecian Dantisco. [With facsimile texts of Rinaldi’s ‘Dottrina delle virtu et fuga de’vittii’, Greene’s ‘The Royal Exchange’, Dantisco’s de ignorancia’ and the anonymous ‘La livre des quatre choses’.] l96Sç-— —I Cdc 89. GREET (Anne H.) Jacques Prevert’s tord games. 1968. 90. BERThAND (Marc). L’ Oeuvro de Jean Provost. 19682t 91. CLARKE (Dorothy C.) Allegory, Decalogue and deadly sins in ‘La Celestina’. 1968. Cc’ S?E NEXT CARD.

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    BERKELEY (CALflORNIA). University of California. University of California pub2.ication6 in modern philology. EContinued.] Sc; 92. ROBERT, de Bloie. Robert de Blois’s ‘Floris et Lyriope’. CEdited with an introduction and notes] by P.Barrette. 1968. 93. MORRIS (Herbert). The Masked citadel: the signifiaz&e of the title of Steudhal’s ‘La Chartreuse de Parnie’. 1968. 94.. WAGENER (Hans). Die Koinposition der Roniane Christian Friedrich Hunolds. 1969, ESEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 389

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    Author: RLOW (Robert Hayward)


    BP4RLOW (Robert Hayward). The Extent of the empire of the Culhua Mexica. V erke1e and Los AEeles, 1949. See BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. Ibero—Aniericana. 28.

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    Author: ER (Robert Joseph)


    KERiER (Robert Joseph). Northeastern Asia: a selected. bibliography, etc. Berkely, 1939. BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). TJniversity of California. Northeastern Asia Seminar. Publications of. the Northeastern Asia Seminar of the University of California.

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    Author: TRYON (Robert Choate)


    TRYON (Robert Choate). The Genetics of learning ability in rats: preliminary report. Berkeley, 1929. See BERIY (CALIFORNIA). Unirereity of California. University of California publications in psychology. Vol. 4. No. 5.

    Card ID: 415