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BERKELEY CALIFORNIA a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (25)



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    Fi’ S J BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. H University of California publications in psychology. Vol. 4. No. 9. YOSHIOKA (Joseph G.) A Further study in discrinination of maze patterns by the rat. pp. 15-13. Diagrarris and tables. 8. Berkeley, 1929.

    Card ID: 418

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    ,-1 BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in psychology. Vol.8. No.3.. POSTMAN (Leo Joseph) and RAU (Lucy). Retention as a function of the method of measurement. [With a bibliography.] pp. 217—270. Charts and tables. 0 8 . Berkeley and LQS Angeles, 1957.

    Card ID: 449

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    • ftñ7 V BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in psychology. Vol. 8. No. 4. POSPMAN (Leo Joseph) and RILEY (Donald. Alan). Degree of learning and interserial interference in retention: a review of the literature and an experimental analysis. CWith a bibliography.] pp. 271—396. Charts and tables. 80. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1959. No more ubl1shed.

    Card ID: 450

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications. Folklore studies. 3 () 17. CROWLEY (Daniel J.) I could talk story good: creativity in Bahamian folklore. 1966. .?% 18. FONTENROSE (Joseph Eddy). The Ritual theory of myth. 1966. 19. WPRD (Donald J.) The Divine twins: an Indo— European cth in Germanic tradition. 1968. CSEE UEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 210

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    BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in librarianship. [Volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] Cs] ovS (P.c 2.) 1. I4ERRIfl (LeRoy Charles). The Use of the subject catalog in the University of California Library. 1951. CM onou%I f) 2. DANTON (Joseph Periam). United States influence on Norwegian librarianship, 1890—1940. 1952y, 3. LOMEIER (Johannes). [De Bibliothecie.- English.] A Seventeenth—century view of European libraries: Lomeier’s Dc bibliothecis, Chapter X. Translated, with an introduction and notes, by J.frI. Montgomery. 1962. C SI Ek3 4. HELD (Ray iGdred). Public libraries in California, 1849-1878. 1963. [siz NEXT CAmJ. J

    Card ID: 362

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    Author: BERKELEY (cAI,IF0RNIA)


    ‘---- ‘‘-] BERKELEY (cAI,IF0RNIA). University of California. University of California publications in history. Vol. i6. No. 1. ELLISON (Joseph). California and the nation, 1850—1869: a study of the relations of a frontier coninunity with the federal government. [With a bibliography..] pp. xi -I- 258. 8°. Berkeley, 1927.

    Card ID: 308

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    Author: BXAULONT (Joseph)


    BXAULONT (Joseph). D.D. See BERKELEY (OALIR)RNIA). University of - California. Uriiversit.y of California publications in modern philology. Vol. 2. No. 5, CORY (H. E.) Spenser, the sohool of the Fletoher, and ?1ilton. sêIt,e1 Berkc3ley, 1912.

    Card ID: 339

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    Author: FONTENROSE (Joseph Eddy)


    P’ FONTENROSE (Joseph Eddy). Propertius nd the Roman career. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1949. See BER1LE (CALIFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in elaSsiol philology. Vol.13. No.11.

    Card ID: 263

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    Author: ER (Robert Joseph)


    KERiER (Robert Joseph). Northeastern Asia: a selected. bibliography, etc. Berkely, 1939. BERKELEY (CALIFORNIA). TJniversity of California. Northeastern Asia Seminar. Publications of. the Northeastern Asia Seminar of the University of California.

    Card ID: 557

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    Author: ROWELL (Joseph Cummings)


    fS 1’c)7’ ROWELL (Joseph Cummings). Classification of books in the library [of the University of California],, Berke1evCa1ifoiii, 1894. BERKELEY (CaLIFORNIA). Un.veJtyof California. Library Bulletins, 12.

    Card ID: 369

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    Author: PONTENROSE (Joseph Eddy)


    PR CCs’2 i- b - C441-3 PONTENROSE (Joseph Eddy). The Cult and myth of Pyrros at Delphi. pp. iv. + 191—266. Plates., illustration and pla. Berkeley and Los Lnpeles., 1960. See BERKELEY (CALIFOR}]IA). University of California. University of California publications in classical archaeology. Vol.4, No.3.

    Card ID: 261

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    Author: KLINGBERG (Frank Joseph)


    KLINGBERG (Frank Joseph). See BERKELEY (CAMFORNIA). University of California. University of California publications in history. Vol. 53. LE JAU (Francis). The Carolina chronicle of Dr. Francis Le Jau, 1706—1717. Edited, with an introduction and notes, by F.J.Klingberg. Berkeley and Los Angeles, 1956.

    Card ID: 54